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Author52 survival tornament results
1st in lvl 11 knights
surprisingly 3 rd place in level 8 elves (blocked)
n had an attempt left..
I am first again :/, second place have 115k score, I aam 223k..
second place,
Congratulations to all
second place, very good=)
for elfran:
Good) with elf??
for war-from-dark:
for elfran:
Oh, very good.
only me for bonus level 14 eheheheheh
18th among level 6 Knights. Good considering I used to place nowhere.
for virgiliuss:
Very good) +100k)
wait i got 4th in 3rd level of necromancer will i get any gold
for LWMking1:
when do we get our rewords?
cant wait to put my greedy fingers on that gold :)
and do i get an achievement too?
this is my first tournement, so i dont know all that staff
congtraz to all the winners

for war-from-dark:
very nice work by u :)
for debeljucko:
in a week will be reward,i think tomorrow.
achivement like in my info.
u will get not much gold.
less than 50k.
well i have 922 gold right know, so for me it is ENORMOUS :)
yipiyeeeee :)

tnx for the info
for debeljucko:
If you want to know how many gold u will get:
II. Survival Tournament
1) Empire sets a basic prize and an incentive for every tournament.
2) Both prizes consist of gold.
3) 20% of all admission fees are added to the basic prize.
4) 80% of admission fees are added to the incentive prize.
5) Main prize is divided into 7 equal parts, by 7 factions. Then each part is split into 50%, 30% and 20% and distributed between 1st, 2nd and 3rd place of each faction respectively.
6) Incentive prize is split equally between top 10% participants of every faction.
Example: 68 Knights, 32 Necromancers, 43 Wizards, 81 Elves, 54 Barbarians, 77 Dark elves and 60 Demons took place in the tournament. Top 6 Knights, Top 3 Necromancers... Top 6 Demons will split up the Incentive prize evenly.
7) 10, 8 and 7 HG points are awarded to 1, 2 and 3 place respectively. Every other top 10% participant gets 5 HG points. The bonus points cannot exceed 15 HG points per character at any given tournament.
Wow my bro got 2 place on lvl 6 and 3 place on lvl 5! Gratz!
i think, i will be second in next tournament /:
when prizes come?

so many updates but still no money :(
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