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AuthorWhy .com is not successful?
for navimegaman: I guess that depends on how much you play each event. I can only ever get in 20-30 battles in an event so they dont break my bank like they do some others.
Yeah, really good question...

But, in the same time, I think it's the best game that I've played...

- If you want to stop playing 1 or 2 months you can retun in the same point you previously leave. ( in other games if you leave the game 3 days when you return your account is annihilated )

This is a very important thing, we don't need to log in everyday...

If we had more events, updates, and these kind of things (like others said), this game will be (problaby) very profitable for admins...

But, we are alone since Arctic had problems in his real life... I know everybody have problems, but, would be better if we had more one person to help/do Arctic's work when he can't...

Again, it's just my opinion...
Do you know anyone complaining on ru svr regarding so many events and upgrades?
I do not think so. And what we do is to compare our com world with their one. As soon as we get the same package I think this negative attitude will disappeared immediatelly and will generate a wave of new players.
Few years ago I invited more people and shown this game to them. Today I am not doing, because what they get here is not what they can expect.
The name of this game is "Lords of War and Money" and not "Lords in Peace and Harmony". So I think we need the same package as it id on ru svr.
Concerning the language: I think more than half of people on .com have more Russian as native languag (or close to Russian: Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia etc.))). They come here as a variant of .ru server. As for me, it's better to have a character on com than a multi on .ru.
But I keep repeating: with such leadership we are going to die very soon. It's a total INCOMPETENCE!
Totally agree with RZeee.
don't just blame admins. all u guys think about about is only events. i know we should have at least 3 events per year but thats not happening and having events every month will also not help! i now find this game boring not coz of no events but coz no one wants to do any thing apart from that!!

2 years ago i enjoyed this game very much coz each time i logged in i could play a duel or gb but now these things have become one of the most rarely occurring events. u will enjoy this game if u interact with other players. dats wat this game is all about(just like any other game)!!

i've heard people say that they don't like playing duels and gbs just coz they might end up with some noob on their side. the truth is that these people are just scared of losing and give silly excuses. as a fact i'm a player who likes to play duels and gbs often and i rarely meet any noob players. SO STOP GIVING SILLY EXCUSES AND START INTERACTING!!
i'm really fed up meeting same people in CG!!
for elfmaniac:
I would love to see more group battles, CG and GB. However, People get tired of the same old thing. Bring some events, Wars, and Tournaments and the player base will grow. Then it will be easier to find people to duel, GB and CG with and that will also help the game to grow. Really this is all a mute point because for whatever reason the admins just are not interested in having .com grow and flourish. Play the game for what it is and enjoy what you can.
no events so boring(
I think the game had a really huge potential to become as big as .ru (or even bigger). Back in 2008 when the game was launched, online numbers were 1200-1300 in "good" times on a normal day. Most players enjoyed the game and it was always possible to do duels and GBs (sometimes even blindfold battles).
After some time (when Arctic left the first time due to RL) the players noticed that there weren't any official announcements/updates/events for a long time. Many players left in that time, because standstill is DEATH for an online game. It always needs further improvement and it has to be visible that there are actually admins working and improving the game. If they would have hired someone who would manage the game when Arctic isn't here, the game would have become a lot bigger/better. And events are necessary to bring diversity to the game and keep the players playing.
'Supermods' - For me this is definitely a problem and I feel that rules in chat and forums are very negatively enforced rather than offering guidance to most cases who just break rules because they don't know otherwise. (ignorance is not a valid excuse however) But I feel the moderating staff have been behaving themselves a lot better over the last few months and we have not had too many forum flare ups. I think this is especially unnaceptable when people report cheaters and are BANNED for not following obligotary complaint form and layout, I consider this outrageous.

i find this so strange.

honestly i saw you today for the 1st time in inquiry room(chat)and nothing happened that time, and you are saying that chat mods are enforcing the rules in wrong way.

i guess, you are in dream.
Why .com is not successful? We all know part of it is lack of advertising and that admins rarely give us wars, tourneys, etc. but some of the players are also to blame.

Sure admins don't give us many events, but when we get wars, players complain even more than before. Common complaints: "The battles are too difficult!" "Full ap costs too much!" "The battles are too long!"...
The people who were begging and begging for events started complaining about them. So the admins probably see that there is just no way to please people here so they forget about us. I'm not saying that everyone does this; in fact there are many people who are grateful for anything we get, but there are always some players who just keep complaining.
For decent game we need at least 2000 players online. Then there will be players for CG, duels, GB etc.
How to achieve that? - When there was a pandemonium event - there were more 2k people online. Who is still against events? The one who does - just don't participate!
In all other online games that I've tried, whenever there's an event, I would get an email about it (pretty much every game requires you to sign up with an email account). That really helps. Even if I've lost interest in the game, seeing an email would cause me to log back in, if only to see what the event is about.

Sending an email seems like such a simple thing that they could do, that would make quite a difference, in my opinion.
Because the admins are Russians.
This means they treat their nation better.
I agree with most of the arguments, but I think that the fact that when a person looks on the forum, he/she immediately sees all sorts of threads asking why .com is not succesfull, questions about events which do not come and simular topics. The attitude of the lordswm community might not be very welcoming in that way... That doesn't take away that the attitude was created by the lack of events etc. etc.

@ hallion

patriotism, deep rooted isn't it
Patriotism or not, this site is a type of business. They should be taking care of the business and put more effort into it, instead of ignoring all the complaints.
honestly i saw you today for the 1st time in inquiry room(chat)and nothing happened that time, and you are saying that chat mods are enforcing the rules in wrong way.

Yes indeed the inquiry room is not what it once was, and I have all but given up going there after bad experiences with over excessive moderation. This is why you won't see me around there much. Besides I was just elaborating on a point raised by a few other people. I prefer to spend my time in clan chat which is for the most part more active and does not have the same heavy rules. This also goes for the forums aswell. If you'd like to discuss anything my inbox is open any time. Besides i've seen you in inquiry room a plenty...
for OndaNera:
I can tell you why I've lost over 15 players that I've invited into this game, all of them being the kind of person that plays a game for over 10 hours a day, players with whom I've played a lot of other games in the last 7 years. So I'm not talking about a casual game player:

1. During the few months they've played, they noticed a lot of illegal transfers and very few getting banned. And those few were banned quite late, were in other games players are banned a lot faster. They send messages to report them and got no response. This got them mad.

2. In this game you have to do a lot by yourself, but there is almost no teamwork involved. In most games teamwork is the key to success. This got them bored.

3. They eventually had different ranks so they weren't able to even do battles together. This is when they decided to change the game with another one.
+1 to Geryons email idea. Simple and effective. I have wondered about this before as well. In fact I missed the entire packmaster event because I didnt even know it was going on.
To sum what I read so far:

- lack of advertisement (I came here becuase the game was advertised on the game-we-cannot-talk-of, long ago ... why adm not repeating this?)

- lack of events, game becomes too boring (I agree, but to me this is not the major cause)

- difficult to interact with oher players (apart from CG and GB, there is not much you can do, you cannot help building special buildings, or joining fights except hunts, you cannot conquer other players, etc. etc.); to me, this is one of the major fault of this game. At the beginning, when we first heard of clan wars, we heard about war among clans, possession of fields, sieges, etc. this would really spice up the game and create the pull to attract and keep more players, probably even willing to spend some diamonds to recover fast, to build that special iron-covered wall, or whatsoever.

I agree with those who think this is a great game ... dying ... sadly
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