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AuthorBarbarian faction: Stats, Talents, Tactics, Strategy
now I had a white fight, 2 angels...and suprisingly was slaughtered soo easily, none of them died
now I have seen the record for that level, it was with a fully enchanted hunter set...but the strategy I could copy
[Post deleted by moderator Pang // flooding in GGF]
how to beat necromancers plese have a look at my combat and give me tips to in crease my performance against necro
here is the link

A tip I used against necros in low levels was splitting orcs in 1 stack.

You have 35 orcs + 84 hobs + 1 hob + 1 hob + 1hob + 1 wolf + 15 ogres.
I like:
32 orcs + 1 orc + 1 orc + 1 orc + 87 hobs + 1 wolf + 15 ogres.
Why ?

Well , Ghosts have a rule that is max 2 misses in a row and max 2 hits in a row.
So with stacks of 1 orc and with hero shoot to the big stack of ghost, when you have 2 misses in a row stop shooting that stack and do the final hit with ogres , hobs or with your big stack of orcs.
For me that was the best way to kill ghosts.

I dont know if possible but try to recuce number of ogres , they are slow and with very few iniciative, instaead try to take more wolfs , they have 6 speed and double strike very usefull to kill ghosts.
Put ogres near your orcs and wait till ghosts or vamps are near.

And remember dont run with hobs, you are stronger than necro ;) you need to take the iniciative.
angel 2 it easy like this https://www.lordswm.com/war.php?warid=501576514
it's easy after you kill first angel (bloodlust -> orcs attack +17) :D
For lvl 8 barbs,

Max ogres and max orcs or max wolves?
max wolfs for sure, triple strike , much more units and bigger iniciative is much better than ogres.
The main force in lordswm are low level units.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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