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AuthorHG license change
+1, but the price is too cheap.

It should be like:
5% = 50000 gold

Keep in mind that this is for all types of monsters, not just one.

This way by paying 1 million you can decerase their numbers by 64%, which would be a normal price from my point of view.

Or, let me put it another way:
about +300 hunter guild points for 1 million
(because this is +2 hunts for each monster type to come back to original number)
though what happens if your hunt is at the minimum, e.g. 30 stoneeaters. Will it go down to 27 or stay at 30
I'd say it should go to 27 but I don't think this is really important.
If it stays at the minimum 30, it won't make much difference.

I am thinking the change would be mostly important for players with high HG who are laboring hard to earn points.
Well if you want to use it, it is best to use it as early as possible.
If you keep your hunts always easy, you will have a nice exp / fsp ratio
in ST you can also get HG points easily

Easy? How many HG points did you make from ST?

Max 15 points/2 weeks vs 50 pts/week, which one is easy?
in ST you get free money from it as well, while for the 50 points you have to pay.

Do you have a betbter solution to give some life to the HG ?
in ST you get free money from it as well, while for the 50 points you have to pay.

if the mechanism suggested is introduced to the game, then people who donate will be able to do all hunts in min ap, which is no longer expensive, but profitable instead

I do not have some better idea for HG, so I like this idea, but 10 diamond for 10% reduction sounds a little OP to me.
Too cheap; too OP.
ST already gives too many HG points.
After this idea gets implemented I supposed the next idea is to double the HG points received in each hunt.

If anything hg points need to be reduced. People are already buying hg points in ST.
i would hate such update i've worked hard for my points and would be annoying to be overtaked by some min ap noober doing easy hunts why he/she would deserve hg8?
why is this OP?
in ST you can also get HG points easily, so this is a nice extra income for admins (and levelcampers) i see nothing wrong with it.

Early players get the short end of the deal. If this is implemented now, the late starters will have a chance to have obscenely high HG/XP and FSP/XP ratios compared to early players even if they spend the same amount of diamonds. To resolve this, either the admins would have to reset everyone's hunt records or make it available only after after a certain HG level.

Also, see naapa92's post above.

Do you have a betbter solution to give some life to the HG ?

Game isn't all about HG. But if you really think that hunting is dead, a better way to revive it would be to introduce new things to hunt. We haven't even started hunting Dwarves yet...
obscenely high HG/XP and FSP/XP ratios
Most players reach HG 6 by level 12 under the current system without problems.
This change would not change that fact. They'd still reach the same levels.

As for FSP/XP ratio. Think about what you are saying. Hunting gives the worst FSP/XP ratio in the game. Hunting more would make players' FSP/XP ratio WORSE, not better.
As for FSP/XP ratio. Think about what you are saying. Hunting gives the worst FSP/XP ratio in the game. Hunting more would make players' FSP/XP ratio WORSE, not better.

You don't get it, do you? The universal record for goblins at level 14 is 49858 and gave 7000 XP. For level 5, it's 1279 and gave 1407 XP. Let's say those two players who made those records decide to use this feature to keep their hunts constant. The level 14 player will end up with 0.5 FSP/49858 XP for goblins, the level 5 player will have 0.5 FSP/1407 XP. Multiply that with the number of monsters and the disparity gets even worse.

Now consider that late starters can use this feature as early as the start of the game. Goblins start at 25 giving 20 XP. Can't you see where this can go?

Most players reach HG 6 by level 12 under the current system without problems.
This change would not change that fact. They'd still reach the same levels.

That's not a problem. The problem is, there are people who could abuse this to get to really high HG points and FSP while staying at low level. Try to think like a game developer, one who cares more about game balance and less about money. Your suggestion, while it might be a source of extra income, is a game breaker.
Now consider that late starters can use this feature as early as the start of the game. Goblins start at 25 giving 20 XP. Can't you see where this can go? That's not a problem. The problem is, there are people who could abuse this to get to really high HG points and FSP while staying at low level.
I disagree.
Most people, 99.9% would hunt more often than 50 hunts per week.
If you look at my own log I was doing 20 hunts/day. That's a pace of 140/week. You, yourself were playing about half of that, 70 hunts/week. Most players will not bother to spend diamonds to keep their hunts low. But even if a handful of players do, they'd need to control themselves and play limited amount of hunts. AND THEY'D BE PAYING MONEY FOR IT, constantly! Isn't that what it's all about? Diamonds are supposed to buy people advantages.

But if it makes you happier this delema of yours can be easily solved. New licenses can be available for purchase starting at LG 5 or may be 6.
Just to throw out the other side.
There was a period of time (about 2 years) that I didn't hunt (well, I hunted on average 1 per month). My hunts were too hard and I pretty much gave it up. If this feature was available, I could have bought 100 licenses with gold while I did tg and not hunted. By the way your restriction of starting at LG 5 or maybe 6 wouldn't have stopped me. In fact such a high LG is required for one to be able to keep buying the license (gold).
Yes. Doing this for 2 years would have taken you down to 0.6% of the numbers you'd start with.
So, instead of 5000 zombies, you'd face 30 zombies again.
But it's 2 years of not hunting at all and at a cost of at least 700000 gold. More if the admins make the price higher. 7000 is just a number pulled from the current licenses but it could be as high as say 50K per license. it which case it would cost you 5M and 2 years to do this.

In fact, I think your case just makes my point stronger. You gave up on hunting for 2 whole years because you couldn't advance any more under current rules.
[q]My hunts were too hard and I pretty much gave it up.[/q]
Your case describes better than anything why a change is important and needed.
How many topics have been created to complain that we don't have enough players playing?
Most people just seem to think if we have more sign ups, we'll somehow end up with more active players.
Few people seem to notice that 90% of people reach level 10 and quit.
Hunting is a significant part of it.
I used to hunt 20 times per day at lower levels. It's now down to 1 hunt a week!
My MG is going slowly, I've maxed out armies, invaders, escorts and vanguards. Even some creature defenses and monsters are already hard to beat. So, I am doing 1-2 MG quests per day.
TG and ST are the only things that I still can do productively.

Yes, I can put on full arts and do more. But that would hurt me in the long run. So, here I am snailing though level 13. But many people don't even get to 13, they quit when HG which is the bread and butter of lower levels becomes too hard.
+1 But it's so powerfull...

It's one permanet way of admins make money with us.
So i don't think they will give up of one thing good for they, without getting anything on it.
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