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AuthorDemon faction, Tipps and Tricks.....
I don't consider myself a Demon expert, but I'll provide my opinion based on my own experience :)

In ambushes and PvPs I usually prefer to recruit the maximum possible stacks .. in your case it's a probably better setup if you reduce the 14 succubis to 7 and recruit 30 incends instead plus increasing spawns from 52 to 54. That way you have 5 stacks instead of 4 (incends usually shine in the last stage of the battle since they're ignored by opponents most of the time).

I'm not a fan of using tactics, except in hunts when I'm against shooters .. the talents I used when I was level 10 were same as yours:

- expert offense
- battle fury
- cold blade

to use tactics you'll replace cold blade, thus losing the 10% water damage cold blade gives you. It's a play style, I know some players who used it successfully most of the time, but I myself feel as if I'm throwing a stack (usually cerberis) to the opponent when I use tactics (Not like a DE who uses tactics since shrews hit and return), because you'll have one attack (could be worth it or not) then you kiss the attacking stack good bye because your opponent will have many stacks to eliminate it .. especially using shooters because you'll be within their range. An alternative to using tactics could be splitting your cerberis into 2 or 3 stacks and place them to cover the front line of your opponent (place them in 2:2 2:5 or 2:6 and 2:9 if 3 stacks. 2:3 and 2:8 if 2 stacks) I haven't done that before though :)

The main question with Demons is when to gate or even to gate or not .. well, there has been a lot of discussion about that in many other threads.. in my opinion, with the exception of hunts, you may choose not to gate in some battles, because you'll lose half a turn per gated stack, which could turn the whole battle result .. plus by the time gated stacks are gated and got their turn to play, chances are high the battle result is already clear, and you probably have lost most of your real stacks.

If I'm to have a guideline to gate, I can think of hovering over the "wait" button to see where will your real stack be on the initiative bar after gating .. and decide if by the time it gets its turn would it be hit by other stacks? you may even lose the whole real stack by the time it gains its turn (happens a lot with cerberis, especially against Elves and DEs) .. besides, is there a good place to gate to? because just gating may not make sense since the gated stack will be gated and wait until it gets its turn .. however, if you're against shooters and can gate to block them, then you must!
It cant be said better Theatre :)
when i pvp whith my level 10 demon, iusually go with 52 spawn, 36 cerb 14 succs,and 9 hell horse with talent setup : basic off, advanced off, expert off, battle fury, and tactics, i split cerbs into 4 stacks, usually this destroys pesky elves since they cant split bows without protecting them, the only faction this does not work well against is de, which i would suggest hiding cerbs behind 2 stacks of 4 and 5 hell horse, since hell horse has same init as shrew, you could send them to hit shrew if they go before them.. and keep cerb behind and gate with them and finish shrew with succs :)
for pvp at level 10 i would suggest this set-up: 45 spawns, 45 incends, 7 succubi, 30 cerbs, 9 hell horses, with talents advanced offence, battle fury and either tactics or cold blade. This is when you have no spell power and mana at all. If you play alot 2 vs 2 and 3 vs 3, i would suggest other talents. advanced offence, battle fury and striving speed would be the best i think. you'l need 2 knowledge and 1 or 2 spell power. with cape of magical power you'l have 4 spell power. In this case you really need spawns for the mana stealing. i can never choose between incends and spawns, because they are both very usefull and in most cases actually both necessary. what you could also do is 9 hell horses, 7 succubi, about 25-30 cerberi, about 10 spawns and between 60 and 80 incendiaries. Its good to split spawns in 2 or 3 stacks just for retail, gating near shooters and mana stealing. The incends are really strong but really slow aswell, its really ment to be used when almsot all other creatures on youre side are dead already, to give the finishing touch and crush the enemy :) though their low defence and initiative could be fatal.
So i think the ultimate pvp set-up is: 45 spawns, 45 incends, 6 succubi, 30 cerbs, 9 hell horses. talents: advanced offence, battle fury and striving speed. 2-3 knowledge, 2 spell power and cape of magical power :)
na russkom ne onimat
Cold blade can be used except vs enchanted gargs or anything that has immune to water .. :) Expert offense + fury is a must .. :)
Expert offense + fury is a must

most demons prefer take basic / adv luck instead of expert offence
i don't know y people go for advanced luck while they can bring mass darkness spells instead. darkness spell comes in very handy for demons but i don't see demons use it and in fact i don't see demons bringing any mana atall!!
n fact i don't see demons bringing any mana atall!!
they tend to use spawn to steal mana for them mainly for disrup ray
Thanks a lot guys...but I think, the error is in my device...
2 lost fights, won 0... the second opponent was a might mage with lots of modern golems (with 48Attack,38Defense,6! speed)...
I was thinking, my big stack of inc will beat them easily, but it did not happen...
Anyway the experience I gained helps me fight better in the future and fear of the might mages as well.
for hpsim:
U can't rely on spawn since even other faction don't have mana most of the times and not to mention barbs. anyway its better to have 1 for safety purpose.
by the second hero turn, it is usually already clear who is going to win.
So 1 extra attack is better than 1 disruption ray (-3 defence) in my opinion

and that is only for barb and other demons, since other 5 factions usually have mana.
for Sven91:
So 1 extra attack is better than 1 disruption ray (-3 defence) in my opinion

u r so wrong. if u really think dat that 1 attk is the difference between winning and losing then pls. change ur mind. try playing with couple of spells and u will see the difference!!
Why dont you try demon yourself first, before you start giving people advice on things you know nothing about?

taken from guildofheroes:
315 players at lev13, 55 are demon/barb

So in 55/315 = 17.4% of your battles you will not get any mana from spawns.
in the other 82.6% your spawns will generate 19 mana which is more than enough.

So you are willing to waste 1 primary parameter on 1 knowledge that will add mana in 17.4% of your battles and will almost always only be used for one or two -3 def disruption rays.
Also, might dark elves only have 10 mana, might wizards (which you actually see in this tourney) have 10 mana, some elves have no mana, although that's quite rare, might necros have 10 mana, might knights have no mana...

I think you can say that in 20% of battles you won't get any mana, and in another 10% you will get only 10 mana (very rough estimates here).
for Sven91:
Why dont you try demon yourself first, before you start giving people advice on things you know nothing about?

i know a lot about demons than u think. i'd a lvl9 before.

anyway back to the topic.
I think you can say that in 20% of battles you won't get any mana, and in another 10% you will get only 10 mana (very rough estimates here).
don't u want to win those 20% of matches?? com'on wat harm could putting 1 parameter in knowledge do to u??
in 20% of your battles ~+15% to one stack AFTER your first hero turn on only ONE stack.
Or ~+5% damage in all your battles against all your opponents

And one last reason to not take 1 kw, you dont need to wait 30 minutes after each duel :P
Well i agree that waiting 30 min. really sucks ;P
but as qulows said that u don't get any mana from might knights and barbs, Wat i think is that against barbs and knights is where some spells come in very handy.
don't u want to win those 20% of matches?? com'on wat harm could putting 1 parameter in knowledge do to u??

If only that 1point in KN could change the tide of battle in that 20% of battle, I think most demon players would use it that way. Sadly, that's not the case.
its their own choice, at lvl 10+ almost all heroes have 1 knowledge except barbarians, so i would recommend not to get any knowledge, cause spawns will do the work, if you dont like spawns either dont use magic or get knowledge. its totally youre OWN CHOICE. Can we please stop fighting about this now?
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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