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Author792 players online
They could keep a steady average of 1k players though with a dedicated administrative assistant for our server to handle problems. That would be a great start :)

i know this is actually stupid but more people would certainly join if there were more guilds(like hg) so that players could fight more often.
there could also be uci playing duels:)
there could also be uci playing duels:)

I think we can get it one day or another, because on .ru they have it already...
i didnt knew that!
uci playing duels? what's that?
I think he meant NPC.
and UCI is unique character image like this one - https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4368038
he meant the hero had himself in the form of his uci not in his factoin
Events won't bring any new players, but:
- it would keep more active already registered players
- and keep players from quitting

New players come here only from advertising.
October will be a good time to advertise....i know '6' reasons why..
guys do you know because when you are online morning or evening but in others country there will be night but when they play you will sleep in night

this is the problem if the days and nights are same there could be 2500 player online
this is the problem if the days and nights are same there could be 2500 player online

I think most (if not all) people know this problem, but it can't be solved, so there's no point in discussing it.
@post 30 what 6 reasons? and also it may help to try and make the facebook group more popular here is the link

Well, if each member will facebook group on his wall it could bring new players, but no spamming in other groups or pages because facebook can easily close lwm group.
*will advertise
I personally try to recruit people they never stick around. :/
Lols yeah..
People are getting bored of enroll hunt enroll hunt..
My myself prefer playing DOTA rather than this, i seldom online these days, online 3 days 1 time i think, just to enroll maybe hunt maybe dint hunt, and offline... this game must needed more fun activities like events, short-event, like a short event, just defeat something and get something...
for frey12:
I know what you mean. Even the ones who are above lvl 10 have quit. Getting new players in is hard; but I think the retention of players is even harder.
for LightningShadow:
have u ever tried playing duels or gbs!!
dats wat this game is all about!! not just silly hunts.
and talking about events we had a lot recently. and talking about enrolls, u have no choice but to just do it if u r only interested in events as they drain away ur money quickly!!
this game is lot more fun than other best online games. this one is interactive while others are merely shows were u just click ur mouse button and it does some action and u've to sit and watch it for hours!! a good example is runescape(how boring !!)
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