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AuthorPost Your Thief Kill
how many fsp does a thief killer get usually?

depends on both player level.
20: and what is the packmaster does not need our help? :)))
and what is the packmaster does not need our help? :)))

packmaster doesnt always need defender help. they have strong magic to protect their animal.
thieves must call our leader to help))
DE-caster hero with ~100000 bandits will be nice)))
thieves must call our leader to help

Agreed ^^

how many fsp does a thief killer get usually?

Terrible amounts. Generally between 4-5k exp and a little more than 1 fsp on my level, which is a bad ratio for my level. Thieves get just a little less fsp for loosing ^^
However, it varies quite a bit because it depends how much the packmaster kills (sorry for double post).
Thieves get just a little less fsp for loosing

Very little if you manage to do some damage to the defender. Look:

I lost. Defender gained 1.42 skill points, I gained 1.41. And defender gained more than 3 times the experience I gained...
to low FSP for such high AP you have to wear, as defender. Thief points for the defender would be a reason for me to wear my good artes! But so, its just expensive EXP and FSP.
i finish event 17\20 winings , it became too hard,packmaster havent any army
it became too hard,packmaster havent any army


this is really sad.
The thieves fight over and over knowing they will lose, but to reduce the strenght from the packmaster.
Then when it finally reaches a point where they MIGHT be able to win the battle, the non thieves give up and don't fight anymore.
yea sven, when you give too much power for newbie chickens who play only with sure win:p
I will not stop! I will keep losing till I win! *pant* I shall hope for non-player :P
i finish event 17\20 winings ,

that is best hunter record yet. and he defeats some level 15 thief.

it became too hard,packmaster havent any army

packmaster strength only depend on thief player, not defender.
I should get a Purple Heart medal for being wounded in battle. In 16 battles against Packmaster with defenders, I have never won any. XD
Thieves could be also organized in pairs, i could imagine 2 thieves vs defender and Packmaster could be fair....

However i have already defeated many Packmasters - after a while they get too strong (because of heroes chaos magics)
In my latest fights i had c.a. 3x70 buffalo + 40 elephants = almost impossible to kill as addition defender arrived also... pff..

how many Thiefs killed driud no player .)
I should get a Purple Heart medal for being wounded in battle. In 16 battles against Packmaster with defenders, I have never won any. XD

but you still trying. you should be awarded medal of bravery. :)
packmaster strength only depend on thief player, not defender.

this can't be true..i played a guy whose packmaster had like 4 troops total and all my others have many more

he actually won cos of fail plays from me and clever plays from him

but i was massive favourite.. have played others where i had 0 chance at all, and still won cos guy is afk..that was nice :)

this can't be true..i played a guy whose packmaster had like 4 troops total and all my others have many more

the greater difference of thief and defender combat level, the stronger packmaster.
This 2 theif kill really sucks...

For me & the theif both..
They hav lower the pakman power & it had only 1 beast... and there is me with full art wasted but not such good exp or fsp XD


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