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Author[NEWS]Secret Thief Missive
[Post deleted by moderator Jedi-Knight // spoiler]
[NEWS]Secret Thief Missive

Not so secret anymore, too bad :(
the battles are getting tricky
urray!) at last) time to show the real power of our society! good luck, thieves)
Omg i spoiled!
Anyone observed what are elephants for? Someone mentioned in another topic that stalion decrease moving on map (not very usefull imho here as we have small map anyway), but I had elephant for 6 hours but didnt see anytjing special anywhere.
From .ru thread
Elephant - 30% faster movement (120 seconds becomes 84 sec)
Ox - 50% faster movement (120 seconds becomes 60 sec)
Horse - 70% faster movement (120 seconds becomes 36 sec)

My elephant works just like that :)
not very usefull imho here as we have small map anyway
you can stay in VD and travel to SH really fast for a quick enroll, then go back to VD to keep fighting them :)

8/10 so far
that prevents all buy an invitation to the guild of thieves?
does the hunter set bonus work in the ambushes?are the creatures neutral??

no they don't work since the enemy has a Hero
double click his hero, damage to neutrals + 30% :P

Maybe testing to make it is not working then.
you can stay in VD and travel to SH really fast for a quick enroll, then go back to VD to keep fighting them :)
As you can fight them only twice per hour you really dont need to hurry;)
you can stay in VD and travel to SH really fast for a quick enroll, then go back to VD to keep fighting them :)
As you can fight them only twice per hour you really dont need to hurry;)

Also, you have a lovely animal! It takes me 35s to travel thanks to my beautiful horse :)
So much easier earning TG points then doing caravans :)
this event is only for t.g. members.
"Unbelievable, why does it always have to be me?" - the Knight guard sighed to himself in vexation. "I got this, I shall deliver it to the Central Square," - he volunteered aloud and separated from the other guards.

soon those thieves will wipe their bodies from blood I guess.
How long this event will be?
A week? a month?
hope it is for years lol
hope it is forever since the FSPs are gr8 plus the TG points in addition are making this event even better :)

How long this event will be?
A week? a month?

until we kill all those animals in the empire forest =D
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