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AuthorRrrrrrriiinnng! It's time to wake up!
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us

very nice MJ song... i like it a lot....
Arctic is part of Administration only when the admins need change on .com
They beg him to comeback and make the change/announcement, but they give him nothing out of their control.

Arctic is like the puppet of the admins, he cannot do any changes until said so.

Sorry Arctic for telling the truth.
for mohini:

i also like it very much lol
shh don't disturb their slumber
Hmm the admins are the same .. let us give them more time to do actions .. :) plzz be patient .. :)
the same stuff that happens every year :p

arctic isn t responsable of the .COM
he help the .COM

but i think the problem is just financial ...
.COM haven t so many diamond's player
and haven t so many $$

someone want be admin, work all day for .com, not during 1 week but many years
without reward ?

i don t think ...

i think .com contributes at the upgrade of .RU
not .com help the .com ...
someone want be admin, work all day for .com, not during 1 week but many years
without reward ?

That's a neverending cycle right there, without the admins working on this, there won't be $$ and players will leave. See Rillin's case.
i think the admins are busy to recover the.ruserver.so they ae not paying any attention here
revolt.appoint new admins
revolt.appoint new admins

Just in case you haven't noticed, a certain revolution has just been stopped...
for -bonechire-:

I know best, but I can't disclose more. Thats all I can add.
hope no ones donating anymore...
plzz be patient .. :)
about me: 06-18-08 16:53: Registered. Faction: Knight.
i see 4 small events:
1) dragon cave
2) necro event
3) demon event
4) rebel camp
all this event=small event for 2day's fun.
we have no one war, no one big event's
we "second" server, we have no update, only after .ru and not all..
i like this game, but i wanna some action, some fun, some Admin's attention....
for dmitriyns:
whatabt all those tourneys,holiday events ,so many new changes...dont you say you forgot those..
for sry:
you mean haloween events, events for b-day of game and "other"?
but i say about just a event, not for b-day, not for holiday, just a event.
.ru have some war action, thief events, just for fun, not for some holiday.
or we dont wanna some attention?
so many new changes
after .ru....we have not own changes, just after .ru...
its too late admins wake up and get active.
yup its excellent he MJ and his song all I wanna say is that they dont really care about us we should sing it for admins if they dont give us awards of survivals
we should sing it for admins

You just go right ahead and sing!

I bet that will make them change their mind and start to concern them-self about .com

haha lol
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