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magic resistance is nothing to knight

well, it does if the knight is magic built. the previous barb faction skill allow them to resist on debuff spells too.

anyway, did you guys read carefully? the barbarian new faction skill will have the effect on non-attack action. yes, WAIT is 1 of the options. you still have other non-attack action such as MOVE ;p

Whenever the barbarian creature does not attack on its own turn, it accumulates readiness for the next one attack which increases damage dealt.

so, before the wolf, hob, orge can actually hit, they get bonus dmg for each MOVE. the dmg will apply until the 1st hit and reset the bonus.
non-attack action such as MOVE ;p

Is it true?
I speak only with a skill of a lvl 6 barbarian.

This ability sucks in person vs person. Whether it's 1vs1 or group battle. Yes, higher attack is always a nice bonus. BUT, do barbarians need it? At my level i dont think so. My skill points are all on the attack skill. My units already hit hard like hobs and ogres and orcs. So why increase it more?

The new faction skill bonus is only 5%! 5% is not so much. Why? because if you get hit first then you lose troops and then your beloved faction skill is then moot and pointless. Ogres move 4 tiles. Wolves move i think 6 or 7 tiles. Hobs move 5. If you move your orcs then i dont know what to say. You will only realize the uselessness of your faction skill if you analyze it against other races.

Versus the Elves
Your orcs will most likely move before the bowmen. But druids will move before you. Without magic protection your orcs get toast for at least 20 damage per druid stack. orcs only have 12 hp. Elves wont even bother getting to you. You will use your first few turns getting to them. 2 for hobs and wolves. 3 for ogres. 2 turns and the druids have unloaded all of their mana unto your units and you are now in range of their range attack. Perfect for the elves.

Versus the Knights
Orcs move faster than bowmen. Griffs have long range. Swords have same speed as ogres. Chances are you win the range battle. The melee battle involves a little bit of luck. If the knight moves his griffin to attack without the swords in range, then the knight loses. Hmm, I think that applies only to barbs with hobs and not wolves and also the griffs must not attack the hobs at first. But if the knight moves his knights in range first then he has a high chance of winning regardless of what faction skill the Barb possess

Versus the Wizards
Magi moves before orcs. Gargs have long range. Golem's the same as ogres. Magis would have unloaded their magic punch before your orcs can move. If you own hobsa, then you can't get in range of gargs. That is if the wiz has a 1 unit stack of gargs waiting to take out your retal. Wizard's magic arrow anyone? The bottom line here is your orcs and hobs/wolves are severely crippled before your ogres reach the enemy.

Versus the other factions
I dont play much against them because I hate ghosts, gating and rogues!
Looks like barbs just got a bit more Faction Level dependant.
I dont like this upgrade because

1. Barbs dont need any more attack power
2. This faction skill can be negated by a 1 unit stack
3. Not too many players play barbs. Knights are the most played and Demons the least. Why not make changes to any of them instead?

knight power shall be decreased
demon is powerful at high level better improve demon troops for low level
for Schwarzenegger:
Changes in knight faction uptill now:
1.escort damage reduced from 150% to 100%
2.def.talent points increased from 7 to 8.(p.s:we need def. unlike the lack of barb's interest in attack)
3.Battledive damage reduced from 150% to 100%

now what you want?keep knights in dungeons and tie them to walls and torture them?
For blazingarpit

I did not say make them weak. I said make changes. If you check the meaning of the sentence it is entirely different. If you dont know it yet, changes can be positive.
Well said
knight with mighty build and few magic talents make it awesome

just increase need of holy magic talent and cost of mana
Changes in knight faction uptill now:
1.escort damage reduced from 150% to 100%
2.def.talent points increased from 7 to 8.(p.s:we need def. unlike the lack of barb's interest in attack)
3.Battledive damage reduced from 150% to 100%

The very reason update to high lvl recruiting, there where knights one of the faction who did not get a increase of troops.

I am not saying that knight is to weak, but don't think they are overpowered either
yes knight is not at all a way overpowered.
At high lvl elves have the ability to pawn every faction in pvp.
I've seen brilliant unis and treefolks slaying 100+ guards.
Knights are powerful like tanks,but the mixed blessing is they are SLOW like tanks too.

I know barbs got vulnerable to casters but this new ability is useful everywhere.they would surely be damn powerful against neutrals.

I know wolf riders don't attack at first moment.they need retal and when they would attack they would hit hard!

In duels, there is no fair play.Knights often get pawned by the wiz but barbs are fast they could kill wiz before it casts much.

In 3 vs 3 ur weaknesess are overcomed by ur partner and his by you.
You have finally got the power which is applicable everywhere!
how many times i will tell i am not talking abt level 13 or so
but level 8 to level 10 or level 11 also
It's been ages since I last played as Barbarian in PvP so my opinion may not be so right but...

1. Barbs dont need any more attack power

You obviously haven't heard of the term "min-maxing." Google it. There is a reason why Barbs don't have magic spells...

2. This faction skill can be negated by a 1 unit stack

No. It forces your opponent to draw retaliation with whatever stack they can afford to lose. Your orcs should be looking for those to feed their Bloodlust and your hero's area attack (if you're high enough level) may help remove those 1 unit stacks.
but barbs are fast they could kill wiz before it casts much

I think you did miss that there is a new update for bhe barbs. They need to wait/move/defend a few turns. This makes them SLOW.
not really archmage.

you can move towards the target and still get improved attack.

My point is this, is 5% or even 20% addition really helpful if you get hit first? At my level Ogres are the only durable units. Wolves and Hobs get crippled as soon as they get attack.

At lvl 10 faction, you get 10% increase per move that you dont attack. Worth it? I dont think so.

Another point, all faction skills are permanent before and after the game. Except for the Barbs. Why do we have to do anything just to benefit from this when all factions get their faction skills benefit without doing anything. Yes, Wizards faction skills are costly, but they are permanent.

You simply have to outduel a barb in range and you can easily beat it.
i googled min-maxing and this is what wikipedia says about it:

Min-maxing is the practice of playing a role-playing game, wargame or video game with the intent of creating the "best" character by means of minimizing undesired or unimportant traits and maximizing desired ones. This is usually accomplished by improving one specific trait or ability by sacrificing ability in all other fields. This is easier to accomplish in games where attributes are generated from a certain number of points rather than in ones where they are randomly generated.[1] Min-maxing is particularly common in games where the cost of traits does not reflect their expected usefulness; for instance, in a combat-heavy game a player may focus on physical traits, giving a character abnormally low mental and social skills so that the remaining points can all be channeled to physical statistics that are more likely to come into play.

You assume that everyone thinks that attack is the best trait of a barb. I think it's the magic protection. At lvl 6 many faction gets magic arrow. magic arrow on my hobs and its almost useless. 20 dead in an instant. will 10% increase in attack power compensate for that 20 dead units? Whereas, I have 15% magic protection at my level if we go by the old skill.
you can complain all you want about the new barb faction speciality, but it wont change anything. Just learn to adapt.
Dark elfs racial is also useless to 90% of the dark elf players, but they dont complain about it either.
At lvl 6 many faction gets magic arrow.

You mean Wizards and the Drow? That's a lot. I'd rather use a cape against them instead of getting a permanent magical defense that doesn't do anything against Knights and Necromancers. And most Demons and Elves.

magic arrow on my hobs and its almost useless. 20 dead in an instant. will 10% increase in attack power compensate for that 20 dead units? Whereas, I have 15% magic protection at my level if we go by the old skill.

15% magic defense will save all those 20 dead units? My PvP knowledge must be way out of date...
"You assume that everyone thinks that attack is the best trait of a barb. I think it's the magic protection. At lvl 6 many faction gets magic arrow. magic arrow on my hobs and its almost useless. 20 dead in an instant. will 10% increase in attack power compensate for that 20 dead units? Whereas, I have 15% magic protection at my level if we go by the old skill."

At faction level 6 most elves will have Elven Bowman which will kill an equal amount of hobgoblins in one attack. Just an example.
Afaik you can even have the Upgrade as Necro and 50 Skelleton Bowman make minemeat out of your hobgoblins as well in one attack.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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