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Author[Contest] Fan-Fic Lore of the Week: Angels
for SwitchBlad3:
Spat's entry has my favorite kind of random humor in it, but I don't think it would fit in as game lore though :)

Maybe I will include it as an honorable mention for exceptional humor~~

And hopefully there would be more entries coming in during the weekend *hopes* ><
[Post deleted by moderator Kiz // Post#23]

With the reign of Evil, humanity was losing it's roots. When all hopes of bringing back Peace and Justice fell, the mortal humans prayed to the Heavens. Aeons passed by, but nothing happened. Along with innumerable lives, people lost faith in hope as well as God.

Only until one day. As the reign of Chaos deepened it's roots, the skies thundered, the oceans roared and the Earth trembled. Right from the middle of nowhere came a beam of light. So Holy and powerful, that just it's sight enlightened one and all. The very next moment, a Godly figure appeared in front of the mortal beings.

With the Wings of Light and a Holy Sword in it's hands, the figure stroke fear and awe in the eye of all. As it flattered it’s wings, hopes rose once again. The figure symbolized Peace, Honor, Respect, Dignity, Determination and the most important of all . . . Hope. Evil was about to face total extinction by the hands of the embodiment of God . . . The Angel!!!

This is my second entry . . . the last post was kinda not in a readable format. =(
The story of the Angels can not be told without speaking of the hidden history of the Orcs. Those once gentle creatures, the masters of herbcraft, at peace with the world.

When one looks upon an Angel it is to gaze at perfection. The beauty, the majesty, but also the fury. They are ancient and their thinking is ancient. If you do not meet their vision of what should be, then you must be cleansed.

The Orcs were not willing to stop worshipping their nature gods, and the great cleansing occured. By the time it was over, only the strongest Orcs were left alive. Their way of life was gone. The survivors now worshipped Rogroc the Beserker, a once tiny splinter sect.

When you see an Angel as a servant of Law, protecting good, I see a fanatical tyrant, destroying anything that doesn't conform.
Thousands of years before the Empire was formed , a great battle was fought between the human races elves, wizards and knights against the demons of pandamonium. The humans fought bravely but were no match in front of the Devils, mights lords of pandamonium. Many brave warriors lost their lives to their axes. When all hope seemed lost, the twin gods intervened. They raised the brave warriors and granted them supreme powers creating angels who matched devils. With the support of angels, the tide of the battle was turned and deamons were sealed inside the pandemonium. The Angels became the guardians of justice .
As years passed, other mighty creatures appeared. Elves were the first to be blessed as the green dragons were pleased by their devotion to earth and joined them. Later on dark elves found the caves of twilight dragons and won their support . Then wizards created the first of giants. As times passed, angels became worshipped only by knights . The views of factions widened as time passed and tensions developed between the factions. This tension was finally released the battle of Verdona hills which turned to be a bitter one. The battle created great changes in angels. Some were very moved by the lives lost and decided to spread the message of love and care becoming Archangels with the power to revive dead ones.Some others seeked more power to take revenge and became seraphs.

The Battle of Verdona Hills-
The increasing tensions between the races- knights , elves , wizards and dark elves led to an all out battle between each other in the hills of Verdona. The battle was bloody but the worse was yet to come. As negative energy increased in the battle field, it was used by the demons to create holes in the barrier between the worlds at Verdona hills. The demons came once again and crusted the spread human factions. The twin gods intervened again , taught them tolerance and united the human factions . The united factions with the aid of mighty creatures pushed the demons back to pandamonium and once again sealed the holes. Peace once again flourished in the world and Verdona hills was renamed as Verdant Dell and was abandoned. In the later years, early necromancers fleeing from wizards settled there. From the dead bodies of mega creatures and warriors, they raised powerful undead warriors and created artifacts of unprecedented powers and came to be called the notorious venomancers .

A creature shrouded in mystery. The legenend says, that this creature first appeared on the world of lore many millions years ago. At that time everythig was peacefull. No actual fighting was held, since there were no other beings on this world apart from the Angel. One day, their greater enemy, the Devil, managed to switch dimmensions and come to this world. The attack was sudden and the Angels had no experience in actual battling. The only thing they were able to do was to throw the Devils back from where they came from. As a result they trapped themselves in a blank world by mistake. From then they were trapped in that dimmension. Only recently they broke free, more mighty than ever, and joined forces ith the strongest of the lords of these lands, that exist today.
omg... i'm dying of laugh...

great story naapa!=D
[Post deleted by moderator Kiz // Post#29]
The Angel is a flurry of fluorescent perspicuity;
its presence a coruscating reminder of consecration’s patience.
A rainbow’s breadth could not correctly elucidate their dutiful benevolence.

A temperate judiciary, wielding a decadence of endearing purity,
each sonorous judgement displays their devotion to parity.

To the irredeemable, however, they do not proffer their mercy.
The flawed shall fear when their celestial wings draw near.


Councilor Kalirosh sniffed, tossing aside his truncated tome of poetry.

It was time to do his duty for the realm.

Pulling out his pickaxe, he solemnly headed into the Dust Burrow to enroll for the day. His regiment of 7000 angels surely wouldn’t feed itself. No way.
Thank you, everyone who has entered the contest so far. For everyone else, there is still less than two days left to post your entries!

A minor announcement. For next week, there will some minor tweaks in the method of participation to address some weaknesses in the contest.

Good luck to everyone~
What is an angel?

Soldiers huddle around campfires and swap tales of the time they were saved by an angel. They tell of the angels’ valour in combat, their supreme displays of power and their dazzling beauty. Some say they are our guardians, others that they are messengers of God, and a few claim that they are pure souls, reincarnated. The masses bend their knees as angels look down from their lofty height and bask in the glory that is their due.

But their radiant aura veils a haughty gaze and vain pride. Pay tribute to the mighty angel, lest he flies too closely to the fiery pit and plummets with smoking wings from grace.
"Whenever evil reigns, an Angel is born to stop it" they say, and this is about one such angel.

Talon, a Knight was fighting along with other Knights against a certain evil which had invaded their land. After endless days of fighting, they were on the brink of defeat. A small band of Knights of which Talon was the leader made their way into the enemy’s castle in hopes to kill their leader. On reaching their though they were caught. The knights were brought in front of the leader who was a being* of sort, no one had ever seen it before, and it was a Manifestation of power and fear.

The Knights stood in awe on seeing it. They didn’t know what to do, when it leapt on them slashing many with its claws. The Knights tried to run but in vain, all were killed save Talon. Even in this darkest moment of fear, Talon didn’t lose hope.”You weaklings shall never defeat me”, laughed the monster.”Never say...never again!” Talon shouted back as he leapt at the monster. The next moment there was a flash of pure light, the monster was on the ground dead and a Holy being standing near it. Its wings….as pure as light, its eyes holier than anything, its sword made from God’s hands. It was Talon, an Angel...

*A behemoth FYI
Let the inhabitants of a place called Earth speak for us as to our true nature.

We have interacted with man and woman(as they call themselves)for thousands of years.

They will tell you if you should ask, that their most prized possessions are their offspring. No amount of gold could replace such treasures as these, as both man and woman will attest.

Knowing these things, consider you this;

When at times a proud parent looks upon their child that has done a good thing ,they may be heard to say, " that is my little angel."

Indeed, let this be a testimony unto us.

A typically benevolent celestial being that acts as an intermediary between heaven and earth, especially in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Zoroastrianis
Contrary to popular belief, the angels are not the paragons of virtue they are made out to be. When the angels were first seen by the knights, they cast a light so brilliant that the knights believed that the Twin Gods had sent down their own soldiers to help the knights defend their land, for they believed that they alone were the people most deserving of affection from the Powers that Be*.

However, in truth, the angels were very powerful beings, not the immortal helpers of the Twin Gods. They roamed even the darkest parts of the Empire, ambushing the lords of the land to steal their gold. Only when a knight had reached the highest level of power and experience would an angel deign to join forces with him. The combination of the knight's numerous troops and the angels' powerful swords made them a force to be reckoned with. Even after joining a knight, the angels continue to strive for more power. Some learn from the holy magic of the knights to become archangels, whereas others are more influenced by the darkness and become seraphs.

* Note: The knights had many reasons to think that they were the ones who deserved the Twin Gods' affection:
- Wizards relied on their knowledge and wisdom and did not have faith in a higher power,
- Elves worshipped the earth and nature, which the knights believed to be sacrilegious,
- Dark elves, being former elves, were already undeserving, and this was compounded by their darkness,
- Barbarians were barbaric (duh) and had no belief in a higher power,
- Necromancers were always among the dead, which was not religious in any way,
- Demons were viewed as the antithesis to religion - obviously they could not get any affection from the Twin Gods.
Of course, these views are ancient history, and today's knights know better than to think that they are the only ones worthy of attention from the Twin Gods. At least, I hope so.
As Sintoray explored the gloomy archives within the Pandemonium Fortress, his gaze fell upon a tattered leger inscribed with the superfluous rigid runes the ancient demons used. Loosely translating its title as “The Art of Obversion”, the academic began reading the following excerpt

“..those winged beasts when tainted, exact their malice and vengeful hatred with unabashed inhibitions; laying souls to waste with quick precise movements under the crafty manipulation of the Puppetmaster*.

The Puppetmaster should possess complete dominion over the mind and spirit of the Tainted Angel, lest it subvert back to its righteous self. By provoking it with constant self hatred and abhorrance towards all creatures around it, the fiery loathing and corruption deepens and manifests itself in the form of supreme wrath. This chaotic wrath under the controlled guidance of the Puppetmaster can wreck havoc on the enemy.

The process of corruption can be initiatied by enabling the angel to break one of the fundamental tenets of its misdirected doctrine – to commit murder and..”

Startled by the sound of crunching gravel, Sintoray dropped the leger and raised his torch cautiously, peering into the distant shadows.

*Note - Puppetmaster is a Demon Warlock capable of altering the convictions of his/her target and gain control of it. Sadly, it is a lost art as most present-day demons specialize in brute force rather than cunning and dark arts.
A typically benevolent celestial being that roams the map of lords of war and money. Though it is considered a magestic creature and a noble, it can do great damage to the empires noble warriors.
closed by Kiz (2011-04-18 04:27:07)
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