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AuthorHow to Counter Standing on Ghosts
Response to post 18.

And where do you source your "expert" necromancer knowledge, if you so confidently disparage the advice of others?

You only have faction level 2 in Necromancer, much less than mega0impact. By your own measure, you lack insight into the Necromancer faction.

ROFL at odyn, so i have a few people pmail me saying how stupid some people (obviously you) can be not to understand my strategy.. obviously with necro faction 2 you dare make fun of people with more credentials eh? thats your choice. since my advice is not appreciated, i leave this forum with peace.
THANKS Grunge. the evidence is clear for all to see. :D
in the end, its your choice what strategy you want to adopt.
All the best.

@OP. The choice is simple. Accept the advice of a polite poster who has 7 levels of necro, or take the other advice.

In hunts against non missile troops, you can wait for the bad guys to come to you, and then zombies are good. If there are any missile troops (or hit and run like shrews or rogues) you need everyone to rush forward. Zombies are just useless.

Yes I have no necro experience, but barb has the same kind of combat situation with his ogres lagging behind. Slow troops suck except in very specific situations.
lol) don`t u expect to meet a more experienced man?) 15 years of homm series, 2 years here and 3 years on ru. i don`t know anything about necros)
read my posts one more time, mb u`ll understand... the faction skill of this char doesn`t matter at all. i have a more high-lvl char on .*ru. delieve me i DO know how to play a necro....

skells are very weak, and if a necro has no reserve, they are useless.
skells are good from 5 lvl when they are upgraded to archers.

PS.stop writing stupid suggestion. if u know nothing about homm and tactics and consider your weak chars to be "experts"...then it`s a very very big pity...
Necros suck big time at lower level.

I have rarely lost as a necro until level 6. Its just a matter of being patient, protecting ghosts with all other stacks and not letting anything hit them first. They might have the greatest damage of all tier 3 creatures. And their incorporeal ability can protect them, even if they have low HP. Just dont rush in.
27 +1. exception is elves i think. cause their archers can easily ruin all your tactics cause of random. a couple of "favoured" shots and no ghosts.
Well, I remeber with high enough faction level I beat 6 elves in a row just clicking def button because they simply run out of arrows before you run out of mana.

And then its a matter of few enraged zombies and a risen ghosts against forest keepers and bowmen without ammo..
well. i would have another tactics against necro) this tactic won`t help after the first shot. the only problem of necro is that he doesn`t have morale. elves do...and zombies would have only +1 attack after killing ghosts.
and zombies would have only +1 attack after killing ghosts.

Its either +6 attack to zombies or 5 stacks of skelletons running around taking retaliation and bugging you. Its really all a matter of tactics and preparations. At this level, any battle can be lost/won.

Of course there are opponents that dont like certain factions.(wizards dont like demons, etc.) But it doesnt matter it is impossible. :-)
i think necros dont like demons either. cause no mana no raised ghosts)
dont you think this topic should stick with nerco topic? :D
Hm, thanks, there's some pretty good advice in here. I am going to take a break from pvp to focus on hunting and working (I was thinking of doing so already, and you guys convinced me I should.) When I do get bored and try a duel again, I'll try that skeleton advice. Should spice things up at least. It's a shame I let my lose record jump up in this level... all but I think 4 of my losses have been due to ghost standing and afk teammates (mostly the latter :P) I like group battles, but they don't like me, heh.

Now to hijack this discussion in a tangential direction; what do you guys think of merc quests? I know level 5 is suggested, but are they doable as a level 4 necro? Which quest types would be best to attempt?
Any conspirator quest will do.
disagree the hijack opinion........
i would say......
i have no idea cuz i not necro:P
Can an OP hijack his own thread. Umm. must post something on topic or I'm setting a bad example. Merc quests are doable at 4 but tricly. Expect losses. Some of the defend quests are pretty easy.
necro is actually really good but I think that elf at lv4 is the best
Necros suck big time at lower level.

I have rarely lost as a necro until level 6. Its just a matter of being patient, protecting ghosts with all other stacks and not letting anything hit them first. They might have the greatest damage of all tier 3 creatures. And their incorporeal ability can protect them, even if they have low HP. Just dont rush in.

I agree totally with Omega22. Played properly necros can do very well. I am not as expert as some of the other posters as I had reached a TOTAL of 11 losses when I hit level 6 (lol - ambushing soon wrecked this record).

You have been given good advice by many others here also so why not try it properly before saying your strategy is better (after all you did create this thread because your strategy is not working!).

Also remember that necro is one of the more powerful factions at higher levels but also one of the hardest to level up later in the game as your faction skill level makes such a massive difference (Factions like Barb, demon & DE are fairly easy to level up later in the game for example).
[Post deleted by moderator Barbarian-Fishy // The link was wrong.]
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