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AuthorI'm sick of the scripts!
You might think that ctrl-v of the code is fast, but not really. It's no faster than someone typing in 99 and click "Sell".

To do that the person have to wait and refresh the screen and than act.

I can't belive that a person is sitting there monitoring 4 factories, refreshing this four screens every 0.1 second, meaning watching 2,400 screens in one minute or 72,000 screens in 30 minutes and than is even able to click on the box, typing 99 and than click "Sell".

Sorry, with speed of that you can outmatch 30 persons in every Quake game.
I think there are at least two games here. (New player talking)
There is the game itself and then there is the game made within the game by the programmers. They find fun in outplaying the game, not out playing the players I think.

I am an older person (56) and so a little patient with this scripting issue. In real life many things we think are "fair" turn out to be the equivalent of a bot lol. The game mirrors real life in that way.

We can cry "not fair" but noone hears...and we have to learn to handle it or fall.

I like this game and see no need to script or bot. Others feel differently...that's life.
still lordswm is very laggy in firefox

Yes , it is lagging. And very often. Im playing through the client. It is NON-official client , but it is better.

If someone interested in this "clinet" i can give link , but...it is in russian :)
God5end said:
For all those who believes that scripts are at work, pls provide cold hard evidence to support your claims. Till evidence is provided, script use for resource selling is still considered speculation. I still manage to sell some resources at east bay nickel facility before these so-called "script users" sell off their stuff.

Unless you know something I don't, I think it would be very difficult to find the cold hard evidence. Do you have any suggested methods to get this cold hard evidence? If yes please let us know. If no, then we need other means to investigate these concerns.

If a person/or people is/are using a script, strategies they may use include:
1. ridicule (ad hominem attacks) those who may be onto their game, but who don't have evidence
2. highlight the limitations of gathering evidence and implying or suggesting that no other means of investigation is available
3. Use of other falacies i.e. to shutdown discussion e.g. appeals to authority, strawmen arguments etc.

I find it humourous to believe that when there are only 300 or so online , there is someone waiting, refreshing the page every few seconds hour after hour, day after day, for a very paltry gold return.

I would like the mods or even someone higher up to investigate this issue, and let the community know if there is a problem, or if it is all good.

loading page is what takes most time (sometimes you have to wait even 30 sec or more for loading a page)

lol,same here
Its cheating in someway
guess im often in the right place at the right time. happens atleast few times a day, that i need to sell nickel/steel or want to enroll. so i see there are a few facilities that need them, so i go there. they have no money, so im about to buy the art. but when i do arrive there somebody just bought this art and im able to sell my stuff :D

so maybe next time u wanna enroll to some facility, u choose the one that dont need resources.. just a thought. it has also happened to me that i buy art and i cant sell my resources cos somebody else did it (like i have done surprisingly often). but when i buy the second art after a few minutes (fool me once..) this "script" doesnt work anymore, im happy and can enroll/sell my resources. do u really think that this "script user" run out of stuff to sell?
now i have a really weird problem... i buy artifact/steel/nickel/magic powder, and the gold goes. BUT no one has enrolled, and no one has sold resources (number has not gone up). how is this possible? (forgive me if this is in the wrong topic, i think it has something to do with scripts).
for qulows: no worker place remaining perhaps?
I don't believe scripts are working, just people with enough time to hit F5 all the time. And I don't admire them. ;)

Though Robai's case looks suspicious. On the other hand: If I want, I can sell resources faster then pasting a captcha. It's a more fluid hand movement to me.
I was generally of the thought it's too much trouble, there can't be that many script users but... I enrolled in the steel blade blacksmith. My enrol triggered the space for the resources. By the time I typed 1 and clicked sell on steel both steel and the wood were sold on me. I stayed there hitting F5 and after someone else enrolled was still beaten.
for Nutella:
better read the whole thread :}
"I am sick of scripts"

I strictly am not critisizing here but that is impossible that some one uses scripts and enrolls sells resources and or pulls away the gold because they would need per second refreshing script or even lesser which is not possible(the game creators saw to it) seriously Robai you should know better that more people = more competition now i know a couple of people who time certain factories and make a huge profit out of it i some times travel to RoH to sell some extra nickel and steel and 10g profit i also wait there till the right moment i have just gotten into practice of refreshing and sellingor enrolling at the right time

also what i know about encoding scripts for timings can be available but not for enrolling or selling for the scripts can't enter numbers on their own that is why you have these codes
i also wait there till the right moment i have just gotten into practice of refreshing and selling

So you are one of this brave players that are sitting in front of the monitor and are refreshing the screen for hours till someone buy a artifact and than sell the recources before the other player is able to enroll. You are spending 300 minuts refreshing and concetrating to gain a profit of 5 gold?

selling for the scripts can't enter numbers on their own that is why you have these codes

You are able to spend 5 hours refreshing and concetrating on the screen and you are even able to enter codes for selling that never have exists?

Sorry, you are just inhuman and we are not worth to be on the same server with you. Or maybe you are just someone that don't want to read what others have written and just answer on the topic title only.
i did read all 36 posts before mine and the 37th post that is yours how ever ... what you say is irrelevant in just 5 mins i go to RoH sell and then take 5 mins to come back may be my luck is good?? i am just pointing out scripts are not possible while what robai claims is possible since we have many people in
YL(yellow lake)
GC( great capital)
EB(East bay)
and BG(blooming glade)

but not in the rest try enrolling etc... in silent hill or RoH
sorry for double post... for robai... i enrolled 5 mins after you enrolled in steel works YL with my multi... and the slot was still there usually there is lack of gold but the slot and gold were still there prob your timings are bad or just the place..

check the facility log of the mentioned factory at the post time or the 17:20 to 18 : 20 shift on 19th of june
Sorry to say ANTI-hacker but you don't seem to grasp the point of the thread.

Of course it is possible to wait at a facility, which has gold, for the end of the work shift. And then inscribe to work there or sell ressources if other players have enrolled there.

But in this thread another situation is spoken of.

Imagine a facility with no gold and either no or few people working there. Now after being idle for maybe hours the factoriy gets some gold through a player buying it's product. This player does this explicitly to enroll there (giving money to the factory to get paid by it), so he might even have copied his work code in advance.

And if under these circumstance he can't enroll because someone else already used up all the gold by selling ressources and if this happens regularly at diffrent times of the day THEN we have the situation where people think that a script user might be at work.

Because waiting at an idle factory refreshing the page every 3 sec or faster and this for probably hours just to sell ressources in the nick of time when someone bought from the facility seems highly unlikely.
I grasped it i just won't give up my point because what i know of programing of scripts it is not possible if you knew how scripts worked you would say its not possible too i gave an example of me being lucky even if 10% that is 100 eople are lucky then almost all factories are covered... thats just my point
Sorry, but neither do you get what we are talking about nor is it impossible to build such one. The problem is that such one exist already.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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