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AuthorHow do you get paint off of clothes? (please help)
White Spirit <-- King of paint removing
~Using the amazing power of an internet search engine - revolutionary I know

How about

Follow these steps to remove latex paint stains from fabrics such as Acrylic Fabric, Cotton, Linen, Modacrylic, Nylon, Olefin, Polyester or Spandex:

•Treat the stain immediately; it may become permanent once the stain has dried.
•Flush the stain with warm water to remove as much as possible, then launder immediately.
•If paint has dried, moisten area with rubbing alcohol (for acrylic and modacrylic dilute alcohol with 2 parts water) to soften paint, then brush (the method of using a stiff-bristled brush to sweep staining material up onto a piece of paper) as much as possible from the fibers.
•Launder the fabric.

how to remove stains form spandex

cracked me up
Get some more paint of the same kind. Then dip your brush into it and sprinkle more paint on your pants. It'll look like a new style that you had the privilege of inventing.
get new pants
•Get a piece of the same kind of pants and sew over it.
•Make them into Shorts
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