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Authornew places
it is good idea...it will many players...eg,Player A is weak and doesn't knows about the danger ahead the gate..by chance he there is no rule of"only player equal or above lv-3 could only go through this gate"he will enter it and loose for sure...

you may know that hunting higher tier creatures is restricted by hunter level. also there is a colored sign that indicates the difficulty of hunts... i don't see how making the map bigger and introducing more waiting time while travelling should help hunters...

think over your idea. seriously.
i agree with Zarebrant. There is no good reason in expanding the map at the moment. This would be helpfull if the existing regions would be overcrowded, but in fact this is a small kingdom. Only thing that would change is the waiting time for traveling, as mentioned before.
maybe outside of the normal empire there is a evil empire, or more than one evil empires, where lv. 3's and up can go and conquer to get bigger sums of money and more exp. Of course, defeating another empire should be difficult but worth the money and exp.
maybe another like help elves army to defeat a combine army of necromancer,demon, dark elf....
Don't we have those merc quests now?
+1 to post number 23
In theory - +1 - I like the idea of being able to access new parts of the map as you level up. But at the moment there's not enough people online at the same time to warrant having a bigger map - it might be more difficult to get assist in hunts for a start - we'd be stretched too thin. More quests in new areas would be great too, but I don't see how that's going to happen when we're not even getting new quests in the existing parts of the map - the inn is closed!
But at the moment there's not enough people online at the same time to warrant having a bigger map
I'm sure that some of the currently inactive players will start playing again if we have some changes
the .ru map is HUUUUGGGEEEE!!!

but i not much interested in this
quests n all sounds good but imagine the waste of time while travelling
the empire must make the time 10 seconds then it is good
i see a mansion near the beach, maybe that is the one from all the location

bt we nid 2 wait till the admins or the empire to wake up n make them.Probably will take 2-3 yrs : )
-1 no point to make it bigger, i heard someon said that .ru map is huge, so what? Compare .ru and .com servers by players amount and you will see that that is equal...
New places will be implemented sooner or later as they are evn there in ru.

+1 For the idea tho! :)
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