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did i m whining of losing my money? not anymore, 3 month ago, yes... but still, UNTIL NOW, the ADMIN doesn't BANNNED yet the scammer... that the wrong things... ADMIN forgot rules, PLAYER(scammer) forgot rules, =D

if Admin banned, of coz, no people dare to scam anymore, bcoz u steal some money and penalized for double( i m hoping for triple ), u see the point?, even thought i can't get back the money, but still hoping for a banned to the scammer so others will not trapped by the scammers too... SEE NOW? :3

+1 to idea =)
The problem is the scammer not being banned.

There needs to be no protection over loans. Loan to people you trust. Pretty simple.
They should make it automatic every time he enrol i get money
Yeah lets give loan to our multi and enroll him and earn some great money.
+1, happened to me too

People who scam do need to be dealt with by admins


people also need to learn who to give loans to as well.
Can someone loan me 60k Please I promise to pay back also if you are lending to a level 7+ they are very likely to pay back because they are not likely to restart from level 1 and leave a high level character because that would be a waste of time
- 10, also note that #29 broke the forum rules o.o and general game rules...

On to topic again:
This feature just really is not needed and would not improve the game, it will not stop cheaters it will just turn scammers into cheaters witch is just as immoral...

If someone lacks enough intelligence to get scammed then it is their own fault, end of story.
also note that #29 broke the forum rules
If it isn't the pot calling the kettle black ? You point out others breaking forums rules however you fail to point out to are breaking forum rules by posting with multies .

If you only loan to those you know and trust there won't be a problem .
can i loan some money now plz.............

Many people just blackmail you if you ask for your loan back. If it's on .RU, it should be here too.
You can also not give loans anymore to people you don't know, and ONLY to friends.. that's what I'm doing. But, most of times I need loans from them.. That's another biiig story! XD

Anyway, don't give anymore to people you don't know, only to them you know!
this is insane
why would u give money to someone(even if u trust him) ???
u can leave this suggestion
it is just waste of time u do not want to waste ur money
do not give to the others who ever they are :)
no 1 hit your hands to do so
nobody force u to give that loan

dont give loan at all.

IMHO this is an idea that can way too easy used for cheating. A few examples had been stated above.

The market would go crazy. Just imagen what happen if someone decided to give loans to people that will start to buying one special item. This is free smithing/enchantment service for anyone that wanst to cheat. A free "play with one faction and a full castle" and so on.
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