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Author | record button |
i played on my friends acc in lvl 1 he hunted only and he beat 7 griffins but then he lvled up and he weren't able to beat the record but if it was a record button maybe not record button then but like ucan choose what u wnat to hunt like if i want to beat griffin record and i never can play with griffins only boring monsters like gremlins showing up the whole time i think it would be better beside it stand like "want to fight another creature?" and i could choose i want battle griffins from a choosing list where all creatures are i also think it is kinda boring that we can hunt angels but not like green/black dragons and ive seen 1 in lvl 4 beating titans and i have never even seen them myself devils it is like they dont show up on hunt until u reach i dunno what lvl but i think lvl 1,2,3,4,5,6 and so on could atleast be able to try hunt them | You can hunt creatures of different strengths depending on your hunters guild level, not combat level. Angels is an exception for an unknown reason (i guess so people stop saying hunts are too easy), but dragons are far harder than dragons at low levels.
Back to the topic itself, im voting -1
You shouldn't be able to select what creature you want to hunt, let alone the number that you'd like to hunt. A shot at the top spot is something to be earned, not just given overnight to somebody. | dragons are far harder than Angels at low levels. bad mistype
Anyway, if memory serves, after a couple hours at RoH, you can fight some dragons. | -1 to the "new record button"
-1 to the idea to make records obsolete after some time.
records should becomes obsolete if someone breaks them, that's all. if nobody breaks the records, 10 years later the old record will still be here, there is no reason to delete it.
-1 to remove HG level requirements to meet some monsters | karsot u think bad cuz u have ladons and ghost record and khellendros u got sphynx warriors, lizard cavalry, giant lizards and it maybe was something more ofcourse u dont want any1 to beat u
ok so I also think it's bad, and I have no records, for reasons listed above (Plus it'd allow people unlimited fights just clicking try to beat on records and not having to wait to do a hunt as the game is designed) |
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