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AuthorAFK punishments
-2 luck is for 1 hour is more than enough!

Remember there will be a time when you AFK in battle!
What about a fall of electricity??What about slow internet connection?What about lag?What about server problems?
One time I joined a battle and electricity fall.Should i lose exp or fsp??
#22: Yes, you should, since the one you were teamed up with also lost a lot. Stop thinking about yourself and start thinking about others!
see here:

23 why dont u think about others do u think those people want to afk and most people with pay those people if it was an accident and if u dont get payed be the better person suck it up and move on
#25: I'm sorry, what language is that in? I thought we were writing in English here.
(10 minutes later) I think - not sure, since those hieroglyphs are hard to decipher - you were trying to say that I don't think about those that go AFK without being their fault or simply by mistake. Well, if it's a mistake, they should be punished for it, it's how the reward system works - do something good, you get a reward, do something bad, you get punished; get it?
About getting paid... I don't know, I've met lots of AFK'ers and none have so much as said "sorry" afterwards, so I couldn't say about those, though if you do think these people shouldn't suffer at all (or suffer very little) because of their mistake, then you're wrong. Trying to make up for a mistake does not mean that mistake was never made, it just goes to prove to others of your character. I'll give you an example from real life: if someone gets behind the wheel drunk and hits another man, killing or disabilitating him, should he not go to jail if he pays the man's family a lot of money? (it's just an example, it doesn't reflect the gravity of a game, obviously, but still)
Stop thinking about yourself and start thinking about others!

How will loosing exp or fsp help anybody? People who afk on purpose really don't care about exp or fsp. They are usually found on lower levels and they usually stay at low levels. With this punishment you will not stop players from going afk, and you will only harm those who do it unintentionally.

Off topic
How can anybody compare drunken driver and afk players?
closed by kartik12345 (2009-12-30 09:41:19)
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