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AuthorPending combats
Solution found.

Sure? No change here.
Killed the zombies and mistresses otherway around and it seems to have been unstuck after that *so far*
for Nutella:
You are out of combat since my post =) Try relogin.
By "Solution found." I would imagine he only _found_ the solution and now needs to implement it.
stuck again on a wave of 4x17 zombies
started my hunt again and i got stucked again ç_ç
yep, the same here, all stuck in a new battle
Try relogin.

Confirmed, works. :)

And I can fight vampires again. Should I? ^^
And I can fight vampires again. Should I? ^^

nope, it'll get stuck again like happened to me
im doing a 2v2 full arts battle...
it shows no indication that im in battle except when i press last combat it was stuck... and the strange thing? bows revived!!! i will show the battle id when the battle concludes
nutella: i suggest you to wait, since new combats still stop on random events.

Let's wait 'till Arctic give us the start (and yes, i tried and got stuck as well ^^' )
Try relogin.

Did not work for everyone apparently, according to chat room.
Solution found.

the solution is to get u out of combat but ones u start fighting again u will get stuck when a unit of u gets killed

strange bug

...stuck again
ok, update:

i reloaded my combat (was in the middle of a quest), changed strategy and could finish the combat.

If anybody wants to give it a try..
I can do everythink but my last battle dont finish:( there are 2 players and me. in combat log I see who win but this player was drop as 2nd heroe so he should have 5th place, not 1rd. I can't see which place i've got couse battle not finish...
Guys/Gals, i don't know what you are talking about. It has not been fixed. I am in the middle of a battle ... and the timer of my opponent keeps getting reset.

I am still in the war, because I don't want to give them a reason to drop me out of that match.

did you try closing your browser and re-logging in?
#36 Tried relogin? Just reopen browser and go on lwm start page.
i got taken out of my merc quets and could actually hand over the cargo :) without fighting, i think something is still not fixed.

let us know when it is done, will be waiting for that.
I can do everythink but my last battle dont finish:( there are 2 players and me. in combat log I see who win but this player was drop as 2nd heroe so he should have 5th place, not 1rd. I can't see which place i've got couse battle not finish...
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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