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Author#365 Warriors' Guild Wrath
Warriors' Guild Wrath is pleased to announce that it became the FIRST MILITARY CLAN on this server! ^_^

More information soon!
Hooray! :D
[Player banned by moderator Takesister until 2009-11-17 00:48:31 // 6.9. Congratulating clanmates or clan as a whole on any occasions is forbidden in the Clans forum. Warning ban 15 minutes]
woohoo :D
Warrior's Guild Wrath successfully broke the barrier of 150 members!


157 members joined already!
Actually, we are now 161. It would be a bit pointless to give a listing of all our members, we prefer welcoming them in #365 chat channel and on our dedicated forum! ^_^

Not only Warriors' Guild was the first military clan on this server, but it's now the largest too - although this was absolutely not our aim while creating the military clan.

I guess many people knew about Warriors' Guild Wrath and simply waited for the right moment to jump in!

For a LIMITED TIME, new members can join the military clan under the "pre-military" conditions:
- Companion Rank in Warriors' Guild;
- 10K contribution to clan treasury
- Equal share in military clan upgrade.

Later, conditions will tighten. It would just not be fair to first joiners to let newcomers reach the clan with easier membership conditions.
can i join
[Player banned by moderator Kotrin until 2009-11-16 22:17:59 // Local rule: contact clan leader or recruiters, do not post here. Warning.]
Latest update on clan statistics with an easy view over the current war clans:


Please PM me if you think a clan should be there or not.

Also, to be a member of Warrior's Guild Wrath Clan, you have to be first a member of Warrior's Guild. So no cheaters, afk-ers etc. Players who broke these rules aren't welcome here and will not live long between true warriors!
[Post deleted by moderator Kotrin // off-topic argument.]
29.Oh, I apologise, awaiting my punishment. The rules are a bit weird, but I think I now understand them properly.
[Post deleted by moderator Kotrin // off-topic argument.]
for Bartek009:
Sorry, My fault for the ban. Forgot the date of the rule implementation. Feel free to scold me.

for Gyver:
You confused me for a while. It's due to the fact the 'Yeah' and 'hooray' within 2 min was on topic and BEFORE the new forum rules.

Your 'Join Ew' and 'now' within 9 min was after the rules implementation for point 6 of the clan forum rules.

Ok, I'll take 29,30,31 and this post loosely as "inter-clan debate" this time, but please do not discuss moderator action on the clan forums.

Thank you.
I can't believe three days have passed since my last update on this thread... The success of our military clan led to hectic days! ^_^

I am proud to announce we are now a solid community of 170 members.

We are the largest military clan around and a solid and helpful community at core.

We strive to have members of high quality - quality by no means defined only through combat level. That's why we are proud of having members of every level passing our recruitment process.

Welcome to our latest members:
- Huntress, Wizard level 5
- HACKSDEAD, Dark elf level 9
- Silverhand, Knight level 9
- Shit_Happens, Elf level 6
- Hasselhoff, Knight level 11
- ipslne, Elf level 11

Remember that you have be member of #145 Warriors' Guild and abide by its rules to be eligible to join #365 Warriors' Guild Wrath. However, it's possible to join both clans at once.

If you are interested in our military clan, please contact me! ^_^
Our new clan thread is there:
closed by Lord Kotrin (2009-11-24 15:00:55)
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