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Well, it's pretty well identified that DEs are overpowered in hunts. Perfect balancing method.

Having offensive and defensive luck as seperate stats is a bit too clumsy, so just make luck trigger half as often, but in attack and defence.
level1 top hunters:
wizard: 9 1st place
DE: 4 1st place

level2 top hunters:
wizard: 16 1st place
DE: 5 1st place

level3 top hunters:
wizard: 17 1st place
DE: 1 1st place

level4 top hunters:
wizard: 18 1st place
DE: 1 1st place

level5 top hunters:
wizard: 26 1st place
DE: 1 1st place

level6 top hunters:
wizard: 23 1st place
DE: 3 1st place

level7 top hunters:
wizard: 30 1st place
DE: 5 1st place

level8 top hunters:
wizard: 41 1st place
DE: 9 1st place

Well, it's pretty well identified that WIZARDS are overpowered in hunts. Perfect UNBALANCING method.
Well, please, let's do not turn this into a "this faction is under/over powered" contest, shall we?

that's not what i'm talking about.
i said that the defensive luck is useless for some units (like shrews) and powerfull for some others (like gargoyles.

Not really.

If you always attack with your shrews, there's no risk of having defensive luck trigger, isn't it?

One point of luck would grant 5% of luck trigger under the new system, since there are twice as many occasions to trigger luck (when one attacks, and when one is hit.)

With luck 2, if a stack attacks 10 time and is hit 10 times, it should have one attack luck and one defense luck trigger on average.

But if another stack, like shrews, attacks 40 times and is hit 0 times, it should receive two attack luck triggers and no defense luck triggers (obviously.)
In a similar manner, a Gargoyles stack never attacking and being hit 20 times would receive two defense luck triggers.

Seems fine to me, but of course more playtesting would be required. Indeed, it *may* bring a few benefits to pure defensive builds with magic attack - like, a magic-build PvP Wizard. But I doubt of any effect in hunt: when one stack of yours get hit by 5000 farmers, receiving half damage has usually little effect.
Very smart of u to count only 1-8 level player's hunts.
And what about 14,13,112 levels where it's very hard to find one first place of wizards
And what about 14,13,112 levels where it's very hard to find one first place of wizards
levels 14,13,12 represents only 75 players.
levels1-8 represents thousands of players.
and if wizards don't have records at high levels, it's probably because there are very few wizards at these levels for now.

but like Kotrin said, Well, please, let's do not turn this into a "this faction is under/over powered" contest, shall we?

back to the topic: new idea of luck.
But if another stack, like shrews, attacks 40 times and is hit 0 times, it should receive two attack luck triggers and no defense luck triggers (obviously.)
In a similar manner, a Gargoyles stack never attacking and being hit 20 times would receive two defense luck triggers.

with actual rules, shrews of your exemple would have 4 attack luck triggers (and of course 0 defense luck triggers).
with new rules, they would have only 2 attack triggers (and still 0 defense luck triggers): shrews are weakened by the new rule.

with actual rules, gargoyles would have 0 attack luck triggers, and 0 defense luck triggers.
with new rules, they would still have 0 attack triggers, but they would receive 2 defense luck trigers: gargoyles are strenghtened by the new rule

for PvP it can make a huge difference.
imagine a PvP might DE VS magic wizard.
both have 3 luck.
shrews attacks gargoyles (or any of wizard's stacks).
actual rules: 30% of 200% damages, 70% of 100% damages, 0% of 50%damages.
new rules: 12.75% of 200%damages, 74.5% of 100%damages, 12.75% of 50% damages
DE's damages decreases a lot, while wizards damages stays the same (his spells are unnafected by the new rules)

But I doubt of any effect in hunt: when one stack of yours get hit by 5000 farmers, receiving half damage has usually little effect.

I agree, defensive luck won't help too much in hunts.
But 5% offensive luck instead of 10% will have a negative impact on hunts of might-oriented factions.
I tend to agree with your interesting analysis.

Yet, if the conclusion is that defensive luck would push the balance in favor of magic builds instead of might ones, wouldn't it make the introduction of defensive luck even more desirable?
luck is fantastic in hunts or mercenary, removing it would be a disaster

a talent that reduces enemy luck is too powerful, imagine in 3 vs 3
1 player reduce the luck of every enemy by 1, so -3 luck because there are 3 opponents

there is the dead-man luck talent in HoMM that reduces the enemy luck by 2
but that game is designed to have only a 1 vs 1, not group battles

if the admin would consider it good they certainly would have put it already in the game from the begin

the only way to have bad luck is the penality taken from the afking for now

maybe there could be a talent that increase some parameter a lot with -1 luck as price... ( exemple: offense-> incaution: the player gets +4 attack and -1 luck)
@ Karsot

Your argumentation bites itself into its tail. There are many abilities and they all are good for some tactics/faction or bad for another. You say you prefer 1% luck rather than 20% "defensive luck", so there is no better proof that defensive luck has to be even stronger than here suggested. You yourself say that it sucks greatly and is absolutely useless, so why you don't want your enemies to use this useless ability?!

What about offense? Its really useless for wizards but powerfull for (Dark) elves, demons, barbarians and knights. Still it can be chosen although it fits your argumentation with the "defensive luck" perfectly.
Offense gives 10% extra damage on the original 100% whereas 10% in "defensive luck" effectively only give 5%, because its trigers in 10% of the cases and then reduces only by half of it. So there is no need to half the chance of triggering with it being half as good anyway.

Compare defence and attack, defence is even stronger than attack, because the attackbonus comes before the defence. That means 10%attack against 10%defence result in only 99% damage. But you don't say this is unbalanced. There can be an "anti-luck" aswell (you could look at the dwarven ultimate skill in "HoMM5-Hammers of fate" they have the ability to make EVERY enemy attack to be with badluck.

This is a good idea which does not have to be halfed as suggested in #18, because each trigger only affects 50% anyway.


-1 to offense, but its still here :P
help magic build is a good idea, but i'd rather do it without weakening might build.
it would be better to give good stuff to magicians.
for exemple, the staff of power costs a lot more than the sword of might, and it has only 50 durability instead of 80 for the sword.
if staff of power had 100 durability, it would help magic builds, but it wouldn't bring restrictions to might builds.

i'm not against giving defensive luck for magic builds.
like i said, i think it's a good idea for some talents or for some artifacts.
for exemple we can imagine a new artifact: magic shield.
+1 knowledge, +2 defense, +10% defensive luck.
for level7+, same price and durability than dragon shield.

but i would like to keep my +10%offensive luck.
i like to try breaking hunt records, and if i had only +5% luck it would be very hard to break records made by players with old rules and +10% luck.

the biggest problem is for elves i think. lots of players said that elves are one of the weakest factions at high levels.
if we remove their luck, it would be unfair for them.
(last message was an answer to message 26)
too much players posted here while i was writing ;)
Luck is an offesnive power. Luck was double damage since heroes 2 I think. It was meant to be an offensive, damage dealing critical bonus.:-)
In HoMM 5 elves can increase their luck bonus from the original 200% to 225%, so its not only double damage always ^^
hate the idea, if you were to replace normal luck with that it would be pretty useless and most people wouyld not take luck talents.
Do people take Offense? Do they take it against Defense? They DO. Its exactly the same as Offense and defense with only one difference: Its based in chances and on luck and is not permanent.
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