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AuthorA whole new way to play...hunting TG members.

That's a weird necro you caught, man. 20 mana? If you win against an Elf or Dark Elf thief, then I'd be impressed.
I think the only nice point in being ambushed is that you do not loose your art durability ...
Also, it doesn't cost a darned thing to rent or buy a THI(Thief Hunting Invite.) LOL
Silly, isn't it? If this is silly, I like it ;P

While the idea of this thread is not bad IF you wanna spend your 'free' time in-between hunts to gain some exp, (for those who are thinking of trying it), pls bear in mind what the TS is wearing for battle against these "snakes", which it has failed to advised us :p

It cost more than 1000 gold per battle, compared to 3-4x less for hunts. So if the EXP justifies it, I say, go ahead. It makes the game more interesting.

I guess it's worth it if a player wants to speed thru all the levels and get to a higher level asap. But we'll all get there sooner or later, so it's really a personal decision whether it's worth it to spend 1000 gold per battle.... fighting thieves. :)

**Again, nothing against the TS, just stating out some additional facts so those that are contemplating on doing the above can consider all the factors. :)
Ah, I see we have some people calling the idea silly. Argue with these stats:
In 10 days from hunting thieves, I gained 114,658 exp and 40.38 skill points.That is just for the wins. The losses stil provide more exp and skill points than hunts.
All done in between hunts, merc quests and my own thieving. It's all extra points. Also, it doesn't cost a darned thing to rent or buy a THI(Thief Hunting Invite.) LOL
Silly, isn't it? If this is silly, I like it ;P

No, silly. What's silly is you excusing your thieving as an attempt to "gain an equal footing on the slime." That sounds just a bit hypocrytical to me. How can you tell that all thieves aren't like you, eh? We do not justify our thieving as anything good or bad. It's part of the game, and we treat it that way. And for your information, not all thieves want to catch players in their ambushes. Players give too much experience and too little skill points. XD
Oh man. Offensive? What have we come to? Do people go around all day looking to be offended at everything?
I already posted that I give stolen loot back to a non-thief so don't try and call me a hypocrite.
I missed no point. Why would anyone like to be ambushed? That is silly. I posted this to try and help players strike back. I don't really care who likes it or not. It is profitable in exp and skill points to hunt thieves.
Of course it's all part of the game. It's also part of the game to be a villain if one so desires. If I am considered that, I am pleased. This thread isnt that old and has quite a few posts. If this guide helps improve the fun of one player then I have added to the game.
I am an old school role player. Original Dungeons and Dragons was my game. You know, back in the day when men were men and didnt run around being offended at every little thing.What a world!
pls bear in mind what the TS is wearing for battle against these "snakes", which it has failed to advised us :p

It cost more than 1000 gold per battle,

if U R ambushed, durability of arts is not touched, right?
for Grusharaburas:
That's exactly why I got a TGI. I also don't ambush on the main road as I try my best to avoid hitting other players.
It also doesn't matter if the ambush didn't intend to catch other players. It does. If you give the loot back, good on ya. If you don't then you really are a thief because you stole someone else's loot. I am betting the majority of thieves don't return loot. I know some do because I have had it happen to me.
Go against the grain and all sorts of hand wringing goes on. It is funny.What would some of you do in a real crisis? I can only imagine.
Those who hate the TG and like hunting thieves know just how fun it is. For those who haven't tried it, it is such a good time :P
Why would anyone like to be ambushed?

You want to be ambushed.

I already posted that I give stolen loot back to a non-thief so don't try and call me a hypocrite.

That doesn't make you any better than any thief. The fact still remains that you ambushed someone and spent some of their time. Did it ever occur to you that other thieves might hate doing that?
I also don't ambush on the main road as I try my best to avoid hitting other players.
it doesnt really matter where you set your ambush as caravan is triggered by moving players anyway
for Straws:
Thats correct but some areas are less traveled. I want the main road from the GC to Yellow Lake opened up. I dont know exactly how it works but I do know that when I want to find a thief battle, I go to and from the GC to Yellow Lake. I hardly ever run into thieves in some sections.
if U R ambushed, durability of arts is not touched, right?

for OndaNera:

Your arts lsoe durability whether u are the ambusher or 'ambushee' :)
for Grusharaburas:
Maybe they do. I am not really concerned what you think of me. I am posting ideas to improve the game for those who have not thought of hunting thieves.
Seems to have bothered you a bit though. I guess you would like all players to sit around the fire, holding hands and singing? Talk about boring! I want clan wars, revenge, nasty brawls and killers on the road.You need to relax man.
Your arts lsoe durability whether u are the ambusher or 'ambushee' :)

mmmm ... I thought not ... if it is so, then, really too expensive to ambush ambushers as Modi is doing wearing full arts ..
if the durability of arts is not decreased if you get ambushed i think this is a really smart way to gain easy exp/gold/FS and you really can be proud to have found that way of playing Modi (and those who are doing this in silence)
this is no joke i'm really amazed by this idea
but on the other hand as others mentioned it before i don't like the idea of punishing thieves
they already have the burden of:
a) renting a TGI (mine was 60.000 in total for 17 days)
b) getting good arts (to have a chance to win against further caravans)
c) keeping up their castle (i started thieving lvl 6 and was lvl 8 before i reached TG lvl 2. And i ended up broke as i couldn't afford to buy efk/unicorns/magic guild. The Fort was okay but i didn't realize to get THAT MUCH experience before starting to thief)
d) spending a real lot of time (especially when they continue to get 4 or more devils at lvl 6/7 and lose more than half of their thievings due to impossible caravans. Also ambushing 2 player at the same time can really be hard, i had 8 times to fight 2 player at my total wons of 120 thief fights, 3 of them on 1 day! and i was only able to win 1 of them. Every single time all enemies were active and playing well)
e) having trouble with other players (i thieved someone who thought he has to punish me for chosing him as my victim so he splitted up his troops (as a defense-based knight) as much as possible and ran away in every possible direction while moving when he had only 2 seconds left for his move. I needed about more than an hour!!! to win this fight (and i won it really easy). But it has cost me a lot of time (well i was watching movies while waiting for his turn) i could have spend doing better things. And some people really don't get it that i didn't choose them or are mad anyway and i give them a chance to get a target for their anger.

so all in all it's never a piece of cake to ambush (and you even have the problem of setting your troops the right way because you can set huge units only at the corner and your archer usually aren't in range of the units in the middle of the field when you place them at the corner. And it's not only the thieved player who has the problem which way his troops should face; it's hard if a slow-troop-thief sets his troops in a way that half of them can't even reach the enemy at the first turn... (all units with 5 movement speed/below. And for non-flying troops and huge troops it's especially hard to get a good place to attack)

so don't draw pictures of evil enemies where there are none but you may look at it as a sport :)
Maybe they do. I am not really concerned what you think of me. I am posting ideas to improve the game for those who have not thought of hunting thieves.Maybe they do. I am not really concerned what you think of me. I am posting ideas to improve the game for those who have not thought of hunting thieves.

I'm not against hunting thieves or any ideas to increase more bloodshed and warfare in the game. I'm against your "holier-than-though" attitude. If you're just roleplaying, please forgive me. XD

Seems to have bothered you a bit though. I guess you would like all players to sit around the fire, holding hands and singing? Talk about boring! I want clan wars, revenge, nasty brawls and killers on the road.You need to relax man.

I'm in a mood for debate. I will not relax. XD
for Van_GM:
I didn't invent the TG. Nobody makes anyone sign up for it. The game allows players to run into other players AND steal gold from them. You should expect most players don't appreciate having their money taken. It would be fair to allow the person getting ambushed to steal from the thief but it doesn't work that way.
Until the game changes and thieves can't run into other players, I will continue my hunts and exploit it. I played a ton of PVPs with full arts and dealt with bad team mates, AFKs and all that. Now I avoid that by getting my exp on thief hunts. So why is it a waste of arts? It isn't in my opinion.
The game pits player vs player in an ambush sometimes so you must expect some backlash. Tell me it's the travelers fault they got caught in your ambush? Are we to feel sorry for the TG? That is funny.
i guess you didn't get my point

i think it really is okay the way you do it (and when i get stuck with hunts & merc quests i will try the same) but don't call the thieves evil - they can't do anything else if they want to keep up with the ini of those who already went through this
I'm not against hunting thieves or any ideas to increase more bloodshed and warfare in the game. I'm against your "holier-than-though" attitude. If you're just roleplaying, please forgive me. XD

I played Travian for a couple years and was one of the most hated on the server. I enjoy playing a villain. I have a holier than thou attitude? Because you say so? I got some mail from others who like what I am doing. Your opinion doesn't make you right just as mine doesn't make me right. If I don't like the TG I am not wrong. Who can win a debate on this topic? It's all opinion.
ok, imagine this

Everyone become thief hunter,wearing full arts with full enchantment and keeping traveling back and forth.
All poor thief can only meet impossible insane CPU caravans or much more harder players.
In a very very short time,every ex-thief gave up ambushing due to the reason.
No more thief,no more victim, the security get as well as the good old days.

WOW, what a beautiful scene,huh?
You call yourself a thief hunter? Look at here.....

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