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AuthorPause button in Solo Hunts
Seems like a decent idea, I'd worry about 2v2 hunts though if people got into the habit of hunting when they didn't have time to play.
2 us 2 - it is another hunt and another opnions
yeah, but if people get into the habit of hunting when they can't really spend time on a battle, than if they get a 2v2 hunt instead it might be more likely that they would not be able to play it all.

I will tell you why that is not possible to be made. Because its an online game.
best regards magilord
To Magilord: Don't be stupid.

Of course I realise that it is an online game, and that was why I said on solo hunts only, where no other players are involved. You need a timer on any other type of battle with other players in it, but I can't see why there is timer on a solo hunt when all it does is be an annoyance to people with computer difficulties or get interrupted. There have been several easy hunts that I have lost just because I have a rubbish computer and every time it has happened I have been so annoyed I've wanted to kill somebody.

Even worse, after the you went afk, you get stuck with the minus 2 luck that stops you having any other combat. This is also I am against as I can't see why people should then be punished for having computer difficulties when they haven't harmed anybody else's game by going afk.

To me the entire thing just seems wrong, and I can't see any reason for it.
that wouldnt be a great idea
i think the better idea here is no timer at all in solo hunts cause if its just u who cares if u go afk for however long, its only u and virtual monsters lol
26: Well said, the point of no timer at all is what I was trying to get across. I'm sorry if i haven't made that clear but what i have been trying to do is say that the timer in the solo hunts shouldn't be their. My fault, i should have really called this topic "No timer in Solo Hunts" but for some idoitic reason i put it down as "Pause Button in Solo Hunts"
good idea
plus the surrender / run button, if you get bored of the long fight (only in solo hunt)
I like both ideas (no timer and surrender/flee) in solo fights +1,

but I have a question that fits here

on my old computer(the fossilized dinosaur) I had it crash in the middle of a hunt, I said... well a lot of bad things, and went and did something else for a few hours.

I got the computer running again logged on and I was still in the fight, and not timed out! the monsters took their turns and the time actually stopped while I was logged off.

is this a glitch or an incomplete system to help save us from lost hunts because of a computer crash?

also +1 again for the no timer in solo fights:)
The pause button would be very helpful, especially to people who are new, and kids, even teens.

They probably don't know their mom is going to drag them off somewhere, or take them for ice cream, or its dinner time in 2 minutes, etc. etc.

Besides helping us for just random things that happen us in RL, it would probably benefit the youth with uncertain schedules even more.

+3 :P
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