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AuthorAlt-grades that reward those that cross factions
yes it could take a darn huge programming and testing time but it's a good idea but there are much more things which are needed to be done before this so I call it a good idea,imagination and creativity but it couldn't be the first priority for admins.
if you guys bother checking the ideas and suggestions forum, the admins have posted that alt-grades are indeed coming
we just dun noe when but in any case nice creativity
Those altgrades that are coming don't have anything to do with cross faction things. This is a completely different thing we are talking about here :)
this is good idea
i had imagine that elf and DE those recreational units
like sprites+poisoners
GMBs+dark witch

i absolutely like this idea
why cant the admins chose a few trusted players and let them test the alts in hunts?
hey i would like to test it
since i played DE and elf as i was helping my bro in DE
#20 - = Shrews with battledance O.o
wow shrew with battledance or ekfs without retail INTRESTING
and sprites with poisoning or poisoners with no retail

INTERESTING is all i can say
But to make 42 new troops would take a lot of testing - that's why it's not going to happen

That's not why it won't happen. This idea won't happen because the admins already have alt-grades in mind, they just don't know when the alt-grades will be introduced.

Elite Forest Shrews
HP: 14
Attack: 10
Defense: 5
Damage: 6-8
Abilitys: No retaliation, Hit and run (forgot the name of the ability :P), Wardance

that would be pretty bad :P
This idea won't happen
I know that. That's why I posted this in Creative Works as an point of imagining.

I've been trying to keep my alt-grades balanced, ie, just a little bit more powerful than the normal upgrades, so that it makes sense. Not expecting it to be done though.

Skeleton Magi (Necro with at least 3 Wiz Fac Levels)
Attack 1
Defense 2
Hit Points 3
Initz 10
Speed 4
Damage 1-2
Range 8
Shots 4
Undead, Through Shot

Burning Skeletons (necro with at least 3 Demon Fac Levels)
Attack 2
Defense 2
Hitpoints 4
Initz 10
Damage 1-2
Speed 6
Undead, Inflame

Fallen Angel (Knight's Angel with at least 3 Demon Fac Levels)
Att 28
Def 28
Damage 40-55
Hit Points 175
Initz 12
Speed 6
Mana 30
Large, Demonic, Caster (Fireball, Bless), Flying

Deathknight (Demon's Demon with 3 Knight fac levels)
Attack 4
Defense 4
Damage 2-4
Hitpoints 15
Speed 5
Initz 8
Rage, Demonic, Stun, Large Shield
so if the author herself explains you why won't that happen then I expect players to stop urging for elite shrews ,they are ridiculous.

ooo the deathknight and fallen angel are pretty cool!!
skeletal faeries :O


Treefolk + vampires = Something that heals from the enviroment.
Weakest cross overs

Skeletal Farmers
Skeletons + Farmers
Info & description:Why would one resurrect something something so weak?

Wood farmers
Faeries + Farmers
Info & description:Farmers wearing bikini made of grass and leaves

Skeletal Goblins
Skeletons + Goblins
Info & description:Just the skeleton of a goblin.Using a bone as a club.

forest keeper + elite forest keeper = guardian forest keeper

ability battledance,stun
My favourite cross overs
Vampire + elite forest keeper = Vampiric keeper.
Info & description:EFK bodies with the vampire-ish coats and swords.

Lizard Cavalry Assassins (or whatever they're called) + Royal Griffins = Griffin Assassins
Info & description:The Liz cav assassins riding on griffins

Unicorns + Hellhorses = Hellhorns
Info & description:Flaming unicorns.

Faeries + Angels = Cherubs
Info & description:Baby angels, very strong magic.

Succubi + Sprites = Tainted Sprites
Info & description:Sprites with flaming hair

Witches (forgot the name) + faeries = Banshee
Info & description:Ghostly woman who kill with screams

Golems + Succubi = Heavy Gargoyles
Info & description:Big version of gargoyles,flyer.

Cerberi + Unicorns = trihorns
Info & description:Unicorns with triple heads or triple horns...can't decide.

Goblins + Gremlins = Goblin cannon
Info & description:A primitave cannon that fires goblins.

Unicorns + Griffins (or cerberi) = Chimera
Info & description:3 heads, poisonus tail.
I like making these.

Death envoys + cavalry (the knight horse things) = Death Cavalry.
Info & description:Black armoured knights riding on a horse.
hmmmm... this is a very interesting topic.

how about:

elven bowmen + poiseners =
Elven Poiseners
just elven bowmen that do poisen damage.

gremlin engineers + succubi =
Succubi Engineers ROFL
succubi that can repair golems. lol

monks + orcs =
Holy Orcs
orcs that have the ability to bless its allies.

cyclopses + liches =
Undead Cyclops
cyclopses that can be raised from the dead.

treants + imps =
Demonic Treants
treants that r on fire,and can gate

ill post more later
I like undead cyclops and elven poisoners
cerberi + GMB?

Shooter. Double shot/strike. No melee penalty. Spray(lol). No retaliation.

Speed 8.
Initiative 13.

lol, epic pwnage.
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