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Authorfacion:knights of the black table
to drakelord keep thinking of them i want to know more :)-_-!!!!!!
about gaint warewolf:


abillatys:no retal howl

howl:scears units haveing a 50% chance to make opponent unit run back 2 squares back

info om gaint werewolf:the wizzards experemented on gaints one night thw gaint were turnd into werewolfs and were tamed by the knights of the black table
to Elven_Lord
why do u keep making factions? they are never ever gonna be made.
kroot faction?? it will never happen so sorry to burst your bubble but youare wasting your time

i agree they have been hundreds on fraction makers but they wont be made sorry so dont waist your time making them
Elven Lord and magicboy are right. It is all a waste of time, no offence, But it is the truth. There can't be made millions of new factions just as you like. There can only be a new one and that is decided by the Administrators too.
How about instead of thinking of more factions you just stop completely and focus on a single faction... (balance it make sure its creative put in alot of detail) and if you make some faction like knights of the black table of course it wont get accepted... thats not even a faction its a label lol
(In this game faction = race) (no knights that sit around a table isnt a race...) (and i think whoever has the rights to the round table would sue u if u ever made money off of this) (())
for magicboy elven-lord and deaspratedisere:

well it is now 2 and thats might be all all now i was hoping to create another faction in the series i was hoping a vote which one was best and i whould work on it the most

ao far:
kroot of the past
knights of the black table
and magicboy the king sits around the black table and the millatery captins do meeting with the king there
administrators are making dwarves and steppe barbarian factions
for superbest1:
we know
didnt you say something about quitting forum or somin? DO IT
for DeasprateDesire:
lol skunder isnt gonna do it now
for DeasprateDesire:
and u make a faction and saying stuff about others or are u a coward
first of all it takes to courage to make a faction... second of all i dont think this game needs any new ones lol and third you dont have to put For DeasprateDesire: on every frikken post and fourth u taking 2 posts do to that is considerd spamming, i know my last forum ban was for same thing XD and fourth ^.^ sure ill post it when im done argueing with chao chao over the sc map hes editing... (even if most triggers are done by me...)
this is an epic fail lol >_<
31. lol skunder isnt gonna do it now

Skunder isn't going to do what?

and a Bibarian..cross between a Barbarian and Librarian right? That'd be a really pissed off librarian who throws books at people. =D
for Skunder:
the faction delete thingy
im quite a rare faction maker i know they wont be made i just do it for FUN
so make em for fun

dont post them FOR OUR SAKE

unless theyre good for GOODNESS SAKE

I live cookiez and MILK SHAKE
u spelled F-A-C-T-I-O-N wrong.....
and you spelled FACTION wrong theres no "-" in it XD
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