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AuthorHydragon, Hell Horses and others
glory to techy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Alizee Forever, and now, and tomorrow, and always))
Death to black hidragon))
Death to diversity...
Alizee, I love you///

lol u spelled "hydragon" wrong.............
death to the hydra
Glory To Me

LaAaAaA~ \with the tone of holiness =)/
Glory to Alizee... And close this theme)
Glory to Alizee...

Death to diversity...
Glory to Sagaro))
Glory to Veni_Vedi_Vici))
Glory to Alizee))
For Alizee: I love you))
Glory to ponies))
Glory to unicorns))
Glory to teddy bear))
Glory to dollies))
For Barbie: I love you))
Glory to sun))
Glory to moon)
Glory to run))
Glory to spawn))
For Sagaro: How are you???
For Alizee: I love you))
For Straws: Barbie rules...
Wait Let me check my glory list.

Glory to CrossXvamki
Glory to Sagaro
Glory to Sparda
Glory to Hydra
Glory to Kira
Kira is justice!
Glory to Death of Darkhydragiionwha(What's it call again?)
Glory to Death of CrossXvamki(XD)
Glory to Resurrection of all Hydra around the world
Glory to Ryuk,the shinigami of funny(LOL)
Glory to Akon
Glory to Empire
Glory to Eternal War
Glory to Shebali
Glory to death of misself(LOL)
Glory to Pang
Glory to Arctic
Glory to Kiz
Glory to Kotrin
Glory to Kiwi
Glory to Lucid_(Forgoted his name)
Glory to sry
Glory to Alizee(Had your wish VVV)
Glory to Souvik(My bro)
Glory to Binghuo(Ex-boss)
Glory to the ascend of Switchblad3(Bye dude.Every1 gonna miss you)
Glory to Straws
Glory to barbies(I dont like them but still GLORY)
Glory to death of L
Glory to Death of M
Glory to Death of N
Glory to rise of O

Death To The Hydra
and death to:
Glory to CrossXvamki
Glory to Sagaro
Glory to Sparda
Glory to Hydra
Glory to Kira
Kira is justice!
Glory to Death of Darkhydragiionwha(What's it call again?)
Glory to Death of CrossXvamki(XD)
Glory to Resurrection of all Hydra around the world
Glory to Ryuk,the shinigami of funny(LOL)
Glory to Akon
Glory to Empire
Glory to Eternal War
Glory to Shebali
Glory to death of misself(LOL)
Glory to Pang
Glory to Arctic
Glory to Kiz
Glory to Kotrin
Glory to Kiwi
Glory to Lucid_(Forgoted his name)
Glory to sry
Glory to Alizee(Had your wish VVV)
Glory to Souvik(My bro)
Glory to Binghuo(Ex-boss)
Glory to the ascend of Switchblad3(Bye dude.Every1 gonna miss you)
Glory to Straws
Glory to barbies(I dont like them but still GLORY)
Glory to death of L
Glory to Death of M
Glory to Death of N
Glory to rise of O


Black Hydragon xD
Glory to SOUVIK
Glory to CrossXVamki, my sweet vampire bro,
Glory to Alizee, my (going to be) wife,
Glory to Veni_Vedi_Vici, my crazy Brother in Law( as he is Alizee's brother),
Glory to Lordswm.com

Death to Admin.
Death to Mod.
Death to .ru server

Death to Admin.
which also means death to this game which will stop u from posting that here anymore =D
You said Death to Empire?Your doom.
Hehehe........don't worry......according to the will of ASHA.......I am the next to the throne of empire...after the admin.
Asha only give the throne to necromancers i thought barbarians believed in father sky and mother earth
Oh you don't lnow it all.......Asha is only one who is worshipped by different factions in different form........as the necromancers worship Asha the spider goddess

[Player banned by moderator Shebali until 2009-03-15 13:25:24 // Caps]
death to floodersWait Let me check my list.

Glory to Crossbowmen
Death to Sagaro
Death to Sparda??
Triple Glory to Hydra
Death to Kira
Kira is chaos!
Glory to glory of DarkHydragon(It's called DarkHydragon not darrkhidragggiinon)
Glory to Death of Crossbowmen that hurt my army
Glory to all Hydras (yeah)
Glory to LOL
Glory to Apron
Glory to EMP
Glory to Internal confusion
Glory to Shredded
Glory to death of myself(by CrossXVamki)
Glory to Pung
Glory to Articuno
Glory to Killz
Glory to
Glory to Kiwi fruit
Glory to Forgoted his name
Glory to sorry
Glory to poo(Had your wish VVV)
Glory to
Death to my boss
Glory to Bye dude
Glory to Strawberries
Death to barbies(... you know why)
Glory *blank*
Glor *blank*
Glo *blank
Gl *blank*
G *blank*

Glory to charity
Glory to hospitals
Glory to doctors
Glory to medicine

lastly: Death to drugs!!!
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