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AuthorMercenaries' Guild FAQ
Too bad direct link to quests isn't working

Here it is.

http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=fr&tl=en&u=http://www.witchhammer.ru/viewpage. php?page_id=9

URL not founnd.
http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=fr&tl=en&u=http://www.witchhammer.ru/viewpage. php?page_id=9


there was a space between viewpage. and php?page_id=9
that space is coming automatically there because the url is too long, so the forum breaks it off
So you have to remove it manually, or go here, the shorter version =)

cool good for new players btw how bout mosters and their hp etc a quick link to that?
Good job. :)
However I dont think Tyrisia should be banned for a thousand years! ;)
for Warwick-the-wiz:
She asked for that :)
That's a wicked amount of time. :D
W00t!! stickied gratz!!

I looked for it for 3 minutes and found out that it was stickied lawl
these quests are impossible - am i missing something, or just stupid
here's a basic outline of what you can do at the early levels:

lv 5:

•you can definitely do upto 3 levels of knight, wizard vanguard
•upto 2 level of DE vanguard
•armies of each faction upto 2 level is possible, knight and barbarian is easier to handle than others imo
•low level raids are definitely possible, don't go attempting tier 6 or tier 7 raids.
•monsters with melee penalty and tier 1 monsters. necros can do some more
•knight, necro and barbarian invader upto 2 levels
•i'll suggest you to avoid brigands till lv 7

for lv 6:
you can do all the above and advance 2-3 levels in each.

now i see you lack sprites, sprites will be a biiiig help in the quests.
no retal, broad att and dispersion comes in handy quite often.
and don't be hesitant to use some heavy artifacts.
soon you will get the idea of which quests are possible.

you can go through Zyanya's combat log for reference.
[Post deleted by moderator MasterTI // Wrong]
Fantastic stuff, thx heaps! Am just starting on quests so this info is great :-)

One question - if u just look at the quest on offer at the guild, rather than accepting or declining, i presume it doesn't affect your reputation...
if u just look at the quest on offer at the guild, rather than accepting or declining, i presume it doesn't affect your reputation...
No, it doesn't. But once you look, it is set as that mission until you either decline it, finish it or fail it.
thanks for the information ^^ :)
these quests are impossible - am i missing something, or just stupid They are not impossilbe. You are not missing anything, and you are not stupid.

The main problem you have is rushing through battles and not reading "About the game" section nor creature information, or combat dialogue. You kept on lightning the E gargs while they are immune to it. You ought have realized it if you have read the troop information, special abilities secton or combat dialogue.
what is the highest level of vanguard of wizard?i made 19.
sry to boast, but Knights can refer my combat log for reference in lvl 5 and lvl 6.
sorry to post but i got 20 also
By The Way , Good Job on F.A.Q. :)

Just glancing through top 4 players combat log,

Kiaune has beaten a vanguard of wizard {33}
Kusika has beaten a vanguard of wizard {29}
Kiskoko has beaten a vanguard of wizard {30}
Antos has beaten a vanguard of wizard {27}
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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