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i know some one with that many systems

u r pretty rich
techy is my pet demon :) *hands some food to techy*
Arshad did you know that the master flooder is spartan 300 but he is retierd know
ops i mean now not know
ps3 and i am playing

gengi :days of the blade
A PS2. Just started playing the kingdom hearts series (it's awesome XD) Also play GoW, metal gear, and various FF titles
for switchblad3

kingdom hearts is awesome indeed.

ff as in final fantasy? my favorite is still 7 and tactics. Did you know that part 3 for supernintedo and part 9 for ps 2 were multi player?
Hm. Currently I have a PS3, X360, Gamecube, N64 and a PS2. At the moment playing FFXII. I actually don't use my 360 or PS3 that often. I'm catching up on the era of amazing PS2 rpg's ;)
ff as in final fantasy?
yep, my fav is FF 7,8,12 and tactics. There was a part 9 for the ps2? Haven't seen that one yet.

I'm catching up on the era of amazing PS2 rpg's ;)
i think that the best RPG's were from the PS1 and even before that, (although the PS2 does have it's fair share of good games lol). Like Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross and the FF series
yeah, but chrono trigger first came out for the super nes.

PS2 has final fantasy 7-10. To me 8 was ridiculously short compared to the other fantasy titles.

Kiz is playing an awesome one that I still haven't played, besides to see what it was like, Star Ocean 3, that game is great!!

What system has ffxii?

other games I have but have not beat yet, cuz I haven't gotten to yet
all hack infections
all xeno sagas (I'm even playing xeno gear's again, imo, the second greatest game ever)
summoner (super old school ps2)
both kingdom hearts
final fantasy 10
shining force ex
I can't remember the rest of them
FFxii, as well as xi, can be played on a PS2.

Ehm, my turn then. I have NES, SNES, N64, N-wii, PS1 and a PS2. I have owned more in my life, but either sold or given them away. I probably have some old Amiga around in a storage as well.

Oh, and I also have two arcades. Final Fight and Ghost n Goblins. They're sort of abandoned though...
what, ff 7,8 and 9 can be played on PS2? Are they different from the PS1 versions? I've got 4 .hack games including all 3 G.U games. Man, the graphics and story are awesome on it :D
got a handheld NDS :-p
love playing ace attorney series!!
ff 7,8 and 9 can be played on PS2? The PS2 is backwards compatible. It will play all PS1 titles.

Speaking of which, some of the best games ever for PS1:

Vagrant Story, Lunar 1 and 2. And FFVII and IX. VIII was disappointing, as was XII for all the hype it got; but still a pretty amazing game.

Yet somehow, one of the absolute best RPGs I have ever played... was for the system that had the worst RPG licensing. Tales of Symphonia would have to be in my top three... an if I played all my top three games back to back... ToS would very likely beat them clear out of the water.

I wont bore you with game theory; but it is in all aspects one of the best games of all time.
for Lucid-Naz:

Xbox360 is only console i play anymore.

GoW 1/2 = Gears of war 1/2

Already completed both gods of wars.

COD 4 on xbox live.

AC = Assassins Creed
Yeah, gonna say AC is assassins creed...

I have XBOX 360, CoD4, I've played 5 b4, but i don't own it...and I have shadowrun and halo 3...
atari, nes, snes, n64, wii

obviously some of these systems are super old and i no longer have them / they don't work.

but then again i don't really play the wii either.
The PS2 is backwards compatible. It will play all PS1 titles.

lol i know that, but i thought u were reffering to a PS2 remake of the old FF titles

Is Tales of Symphonia really that great? I wanted to buy it but wasn't sure if it would be worth it
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