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Authorknights, who are proude to be knights
yup knights r boring, but they're strong.
any nice tactics for knights at level 5?
power of knight's sword

2 knights (level 8) vs: 396 succubi!

(pure fight with strategy)

2 knights vs. 1264 inceniaries
I love to be knights ... love paladins too .. also cavaliers and also champions ... also longbowmen ...
i just think magic is cool and weapons are knights seem to average r boring 2 me
paladins and champions are in homm5

i like knights my second account is a knight

for critical who said necro gives live necro bring them to life again but without a mind to think or a soul they are only dead creatures walking
But necros are so strong .. the second strongest i think after knights of course .... they have ghosts .. that could avoid melee attack ... yeahh they are at homm5 and at Age of Empires ... i love AOE too ... especially elite longbowmen ...
Knights are just as powerful as any other faction...well if you use the faction right. Knights uses holy(buff) and darkness(debuff) magic. Nature is defence magic and chaos is attack magic. But what you should be talking about being weak are the barbarians(no magic).
Yeah the weakest is babarians .. but they sometimes can do much damage and defeat the knights or necros .. be careful ..
AOE was a great game, too bad zone.com doesnt support it anymore. Shame, it would be fun to play online again.
dont judge bar2 like that
bar2 also strong with high dmg (wolf/hobgoblin)
and their ability to change the ATB (stunning blow and knockback)

and magic proof, more than 50% reduction at lv 5 skill faction
night..knight nite!

yeah and they get both stunning blow and knockback at lvl 5

love to be a knight. the power of swords!
I don't know how good knights get later on but so far the only knight i've ever lost to is a vanguard of knights {3} and im an elf
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