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AuthorDark Elf - please read
delita there is no point talking to you, you too "insert word here"

You are suppose to read what i wrote above , not talk nonsense GG

i'm not going to continue explaining how "insert word here" you are. Its a waste of my time
Yea ok lol sorry if im making you cranky but its silly how you just take into account the racial abilities. If you wanna make a point try comparing the whole faction with all units to all the other factions and all their units and you havent answered my question lol... How dont i know what im talking about?
Please thread everything in the forums, i'm not wasting my time talking to you


Its not my fault u cant read. and i'm not going to waste my time n POST EVERY SINGLE DETAIL so people like you can take an easy way out n read. go search it for yourself if u want to know. Im just stateing facts and if u dont know it then its ur fault, now quiet plox [=
fair enough but yet dont answer my question is that because you cant? i have no intent on getting you cranky though you compare one aspect of it which is silly because you should take all into account i dont go around saying that knight are weak because our bowman has 7 hp and does 2-4 dmg your rogues do more dmg cant remember but i think max was 7 correct me if im wrong and has twice as much hp higher init and speed... so they can move faster, cover a whole area and do a crazy amount of dmg... you need to do some more research first. Im well aware that english is not my strong point but i can read... Im from Australia if i cant read that would mean i cant type toy you and write to you about this XD...
I did my research and u did not, therefore you do not have any creditablity to talk against what i'm saying. ONCE YOU HAVE DONE YOUR RESEARCH then speak. you havent soo dont talk please thanks [=
And like i said before. READ THE FORUMS in this version AS WELL AS if u can read russian, read the russian HWM

enough said.
so far through this whole forum the only information that you have displayed was the racial abilities but you ignore all the other aspects... I have done my research i know the racial abilities i know the units i had a dark elf once he was good...
BUT ANSWER THE QUESTION you have put it of for long enough cant you answer it? if you cant just say so...
Please look up more things that just the racial abilities its important.. Have a survey to ask ppl do they think DE is underpowered, my personal opinion all factions have their strengths and weaknesses. Your first post was your best all the other were insults and irrelevance to the topic, you say that others dont know what they talking about because they havent done research but even if you have you still havent showed it...
Dont insult ppl its rude whereas i dont care if you insult me you will get in trouble from admins and i wish for everyone to enjoy the game so please. I agree the racial could do some more tweaking but other than that the faction is powerful...
Delita ur a waste of my time, u still have yet to read the forums

i cant red russian and i have read the forums but its always funny how the person belonging to the faction states its underpowered maybe you just dont have the right tactics...
If you make a topic take into account that you will get comments that wont agree with you and you should go berserk because of them. A cool mind always prevails... ill leave you to your fantasy world where you can argue that your underpowered i looked up the tops scores and DE arent that far behind Knight and are almost twice barbarians and twice demons... Dont complain...
Seems people cant stand being corrected... Please when you compare all the units abilities everything of the factions with one another then you have all the right in the world to say if they are underpowered and i would support you if the info says it...
Go ahead and talk to people who have alot of experience, say higher levels or russian players? u'll pretty much get the exact same response as i have made in this thread. soo quiet young one [=
de is suck im play df and 1-4 lvl df is good 5-7 i see battle and df always first die why ? no good tactics ? no df is suck and small hp ...
ok... but i agree with dark assault.. about every race has far range attackers except for necro, deamon, barbarian, and dark elf

ok necros got reviving and gawd dam vapire suking blood and ghost 50% miss..

Deamon has high hp attackers and gating

and barbarian's got the raw power.

and when dark elf goes angainst these guys they use the rogue and they retail and about half the rogue dies and the minotaur sux so dam slow..
Allrighty... I'm going to start with the troops.

DE's are extremely vicious. Their troops are built for many different strategies. Which may be their downfall. ^_^
The Minotaurs are really resiliant, and acts as a great heap of HP for the mage-casting DE, and they work really well with the Poisoners.
The Lizards and the Shrews are excellent attackers, especially if you spec your artifacts with lots (and I mean +16-21% Ini), and add to your attack-value.

Onwards... Talents.

Well, the offense-part is the cheapest, and for the attacker-DE I think it's well worth the points. Just forget about the silly morale, and lofty luck. Do attack. More damage to the already fast critters is good.
For mages it's a bit expensive... Chaos and Sorcery aren't worth the points until later, but Erudition is still there. Elemental Call (the race-talent) is only good for the Mage-DE, and even then it's only "fairly usefull" at best.

Next... The Unique racial abilities.

This is awesome against the DEs greatest enemy: The Wizard. They have magic-dampening creatures and abilities. The DE counters those advantages.
The DE also counters the Barbarians resistance, but that's just a bonus.
However, it is a rather boring ability. It doesn't "do" anything. At least not like the Wizards Mini-artifacts, Necromancy, Avengers Guild... And so on.
And this ability is utterly useless against people without magic protection, while most other races have some sort of "bonus" against "everyone".

So, what are my oppinions then? Well, I plan to play them again when I reach level 8. I'll probably be a DE all of level 8 and 9, and then perhaps switch back to Necromancer at level 10 again, or change halfway through.
I don't think they are as underpowered as you guys claim, since they are supposed to be underdogs at these levels.

I would however like a small boost on the unique racial abilitu of the DE.
Of course I would prefer some sort of magic-boost, since I will play them as mages, but for the attacker-DE they could have a boost as well. Something along the lines of "Hatreds Hall" where you can set up a few creatures you hate so well you know how to hurt them. (You have higher attack-value against a few critters. Not as good as the Avengers Guild, since that should belong to the Elves.)
By the way... This doesn't belong in "Complaints and applications". So I'm moving it. >_>
i had tag with afew DE with my clan member in hunt and pvp before.

well, DE is just good. you cant depend too much on rouge or lizard calvary. mino is the strength. just like knight, not griffin, not bowmen but swordsmen.

rouge were just assist/dummy at most of time; where calvary are tanker. even though mino is slow, but with bravery, you can burst action more often if compare with knight's unit.

so, before mino get in position, poisoner is the key to assist other units. poison shot on those high ini such ask elven bowmen will help you to kill some of them (even the poison was so great, but the dmg is enough for those low hp units)
i mean 'even the poison wasnt so great'

*wish i can have edit button
Dark elves are very suck....I play DE just i like Drizzt Do'Urden~
Hard to win when duel, only can fight within group and use their partners to be a shield.
Moreover, DE is encumbrance if don't don many good artifacts.
I agree to buff DE, DE should not so weak.
the element piercing.
This could be the best replacement for dark elves, imho. (HoMM5)
Magic Piercing is only useful for barbarians and gargoyles/golems.

But it isn`t really useful for 9+ levels, where, for example, knights will wear mythril artifacts (magic defence) + they`ll probably take Magic Defence (20 %) and dark elves will just need to break it. And they`ll break only a percent of the defence - so they don`t have any advantage in comparison to such a lucky faction like elves with their mega-revenge.

But I think nobody wants to be as weak as DE, right?...
Then nobody would say, that DE can`t beat a thick crowd of pretty strong swordsmen-tanks, can`t beat necromancers and demons, can`t beat elves with their (censored) revenge which is also pretty "godd@ in comparison to HoMM5.

And look, DE don`t have any advantages in hunts. )) Gib\ve some then. And not only for DE, but also for barbarians, knights, demons, necromancers, sothat not only elves and magicians could mae records.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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