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#7733 Legion of doom

 6 heroes

 » Leader: leothegreat

 » Recruiter: Acron, venky-cools, X-Centurion
 » Chronicler: Acron
 » Herald: Acron, venky-cools

 » Log

-----------------------------------Clan History--------------------------------------------

The Legion of Doom (LOD) was a hacker group active from the 1980s to the late 1990s and early 2000. Their name appears to be a reference to the antagonists of Challenge of the Superfriends. LOD was founded by the hacker Lex Luthor (Vincent Louis Gelormine), after a rift with his previous group the Knights of Shadow.

At different points in the group's history, LOD was split into LOD and LOD/LOH (Legion of Doom/Legion of Hackers) for the members that were more skilled at hacking than pure phreaking. The overall beliefs of LOD and MOD were different, but it can be difficult to untangle the actions of the members since there was a cross-overs between the two groups.


Welcome to:-

->-> Legion of Doom(LOD) <-<-

* Don't Like Cheaters and Hackers?You want some security?Be a member of us and we will prevent you
and advice with security things.

* This would be the Clan for You.We will try to provide the best of services possible

>>Requirements to join clan<<

1)Combat level 5 and above.

2)Should follow the Rules of Lordswm and striclty no cheating with clan members!

3)Should be active as much as possible and try to be least afk.

>>Goals of our clan<<

1)To make Lordswm a better place for gamers and gaming.

2)To give technical errors and advices about computer problems and security things.

>>Advantages of Joining Clan<<

1)No tax will be collected and Interact with other clan members and have fun

2)Get rewards and special titles given by the clan to you if you are a cyber geek or regular
advicer for noobs.

3)Get points for donating & recruiting new players into clan.

4)Get animated and static avatars from clan avatar makers.

Clan Ranks and rewards:

Exploit Programmer - Clan Leader

Security Expert- 2000 points - 2 Random Elements(Programming knowledge required)* **

Graphics Programmer - 1000 points - Random Master Hunter Artifact**

Cyber geek- 750 points - 1 random Element*

BASIC(Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Coder) - 300 points - 1 Random Hunter Artifact*

Programmer - 150 points - 3 Random Resource

Senior member - 70 points - 300 gold

Junior Advicer - 30 points - 100 gold

LOD memebr - 0 points - nothing

*(Programming knowledge required)
**(Graphics knowledge required)

Clan services:

leothegreat:Avatar service

Still avatar:1000
Animated avatar:1250 gold only!
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1.Offline Acron 5 Leader of doom,Exploit Programmer 
2.Offline disaster3 6 LOD member 
3.Offline venky-cools 8 Clan banker,Programmer(150 CP) 
4.Offline leothegreat 7 Clan avatar specialist,Graphics programer(1000 CP) 
5.Offline X-Centurion 5  
6.Offline NaRRaTeR 8  
2008-2025, online games LordsWM