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#7270 The Order Of The Paladins

 147 heroes

 » Leader: catcarrot

 » Recruiter: Lord wildwild
 » Chronicler: Lord wildwild
 » Herald: Lord wildwild, QuadQ, Lancer

 » Clan page: http://paladins.ucoz.org/forum/
 » Log


- To become a member, you need to be lvl 5 minimum and not have
been banned for breaking the rules unless you can convince us
it wasn't on purpose or that you learned your lesson.
Just send 1250 gold to www1980, wildwild or one of the recruiters
and wait for the invite which will appear in the lower right
corner of your character page.

- To recruit a new member, tell them to send 1250 gold to www1980
and add for description: invite to clan #270 by (your name).
www1980 will send you 500 gold for every new member you recruit.

If you recruit 15 members or more, you might become a recruiter.
When you are a recruiter you can tell people to send you the
1250 gold directly and then you send 750 gold to www1980.
You will have the ability to add them to the clan yourself.

- DO NOT BREAK GAME RULES - http://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=5
- No afking (away from keyboard). 500 gold fine, if in hunt 1000 gold.
- Follow all the descriptions in a battle before entering or 500 fine.
For example: do not wear 15 AP in a 8-10 AP match.
- Don't play in roulette, it's easy way to loose all your money.
* When is it ok to be afk? (when I won't count it as breaking the rules).

* Only the participant of the battle can complain about someone being afk.
* Report all broken rules to www1980.

~ #142 Phoenix Brigade *Leader: Phoenixhunter
~ #186 Rivendale *Leader: silk
~ #284 MALAYSIA BOLEH *Leader: sry
~ #157 Philippine Heroes *Leader: Totoniel
~ #152 Court of Equity *Leader: Brilliant


*Any questions ask www1980.


- Our first clan blacksmith is Lancer with 30% efeciensy
- Our clan blacksmith is azabukinie with 30% efeciensy for 50% of repair cost.
* Donations cover the % cost.

Other repairs
Brilliant-charges 100%
heres a link,http://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=9216

- Our clan weapon enchanter is www1980.

weapon 5 mods, 11% each.
and also jewelcraft 5 mods, 9% each.

1.Offline Lord wildwild 9 Recruiter, Herald 
2.Offline vanerhost 10 Newcomer-0 
3.Offline lingaziam 4 Newcomer-0 (R.C.-5) 
4.Offline Asan 8 Noble Paladin-10000 (R.C.-1) (main) 
5.Offline MasterThief 7 Newcomer-0 (R.C.-4) 
6.Offline angel095 6 Newcomer-0 
7.Offline Lord Celtic 8 Newcomer-0 
8.Offline Lord moto_man 7 Newcomer-0 
9.Offline FlyKit 10 Newcomer-0 
10.Offline QuadQ 13 Paladin Lord -100000 -20% off(main) R.C -1 
11.Offline Zartan 10 Clan armor enchanter. 2x8% 
12.Offline Dragon-Spyboy 7 Newcomer-0 
13.Offline odyhunk 8 Newcomer-732 
14.Offline wai94 5 Newcomer-0 
15.Offline Elba 6 Newcomer-2563 
16.Offline Lord tlca 12 Newcomer-0 
17.Offline bhily 6 Newcomer-0 
18.Offline kuldeepar 7 Newcomer-0 (R.C.-1) 
19.Offline #7365PheonixHunter 9 Newcomer-0 <Leader of Phoenix Birgade> 
20.Offline Vidor 10 Newcomer-0 
21.Offline Shusax 8 Newcomer-0 (R.C.-2) 
22.Offline ohhellohello 10 Newcomer-0 (R.C.-3) 
23.Offline Asassinator 6 Newcomer-0 (R.C.-7) Last seen 6/6/09 
24.Offline Lord stranger12 5 Squire.-3248 
25.Offline ForestFighter 10 Newcomer-0 (R.C.-2) 
26.Offline Lord sush 8 Newcomer-0 
27.Offline TheFlamez 6 Newcomer-1200 
28.Offline NecroCrome 5 Newcomer-0 Last seen 6/15/09 
29.Offline demanite 6 Noble Paladin -11000 
30.Offline #9595bobsrevenge999 15 Newcomer-0 
31.Offline Raziq_naim 7 Newcomer-0 Last seen 6/1/09 
32.Offline Lord eeeeb 6 Newcomer-0 (main) 
33.Offline Virtuos 6 Newcomer-0 (R.C.-1) 
34.Offline bbane 5 Newcomer-0 
35.Offline Doomed_one 7 Newcomer-0 
36.Offline jake99 6 Newcomer-0 
37.Offline Lady dragon94 6 Newcomer-0 
38.Offline burninheck 6 Newcomer-0 (R.C.-3) 
39.Offline ashraf_14 7 Newcomer-0 
40.Offline miguimigui02 6 Newcomer-0 (R.C.-1) 
41.Offline fordguy 7 Newcomer-0 (main) Last seen 5/08/09 
42.Offline cspker 9 Newcomer-0 
43.Offline aLpin_ 5 Newcomer-0 (Afk fine-500g) Last Seen 6/5/09 
44.Offline shock255 7 Paladin-10000 
45.Offline CoolPaladin 5 Newcomer-0 
46.Offline ShadowReaper 9 Newcomer-0 
47.Offline destoryer 9 Newcomer-0 
48.Offline Lord remi 9 Newcomer-0 
49.Offline the-one1 9 Newcomer-0 
50.Offline tvusra 7 Newcomer-0 
51.Offline Lunaris 7 Newcomer-0 
52.Offline library 6 Newcomer-0 
53.Offline Lord Berbatov 13 Newcomer-0 
54.Offline Yosei 7 Newcomer-0 
55.Offline qks2414 5 Newcomer-0 
56.Offline moajck 6 Newcomer-0 
57.Offline mage_pure 8 Newcomer-0 
58.Offline Austin94 11 Newcomer-0 (R.C.-2) 
59.Offline enne 6 Newcomer-0 Last seen 6/26/09 
60.Offline Daemonia 7 Newcomer-0 (R.C.-1) 
61.Offline Sagtharion 9 Newcomer-0 (R.C. 1) 
62.Offline yaoneyip 6 Newcomer-0 Last seen 5/13/09 
63.Offline Darth_demonious 9 Paladin-hunter-5000 (R.C.-2) 
64.Offline nodag 8 Noble Paladin -23750 
65.Offline Lord rvprvp 7 Newcomer-0 
66.Offline Jensten7 6 Newcomer-0 Last Seen 5/30/09 
67.Offline jing77 6 Newcomer-0 
68.Offline #7279Sky-lim 9 Newcomer-0 (R.C-1) 
69.Offline LordCrusader 6 Newcomer-0 Last Seen 7/11/09 
70.Offline x-unlimited 8 Newcomer-0 
71.Offline Sajal 5 Newcomer-0 
72.Offline supersidewinder 6 Newcomer-0 
73.Offline Lord Sidewinder 8 Newcomer-0 
74.Offline Philippex 6 Newcomer-1200 Last Seen 6/9/09 
75.Offline Flyindawg 6 Newcomer-0 hunt afk fine-1000gold 
76.Offline Manu13 6 Newcomer-0 
77.Offline pooh11 8 Newcomer-2000 
78.Offline Lord Rizzo 10 Paladin-5300 
79.Offline Binario 6 Newcomer-0 
80.Offline klomp123456789 6 Newcomer-0 
81.Offline sidewinder_king 6 Newcomer-0 
82.Offline amrezaa 5 Newcomer-0 
83.Offline Hazmatfireguy 5 Newcomer-0 
84.Offline weerr 5 Newcomer-0 
85.Offline YellowFlash 12 Newcomer-0 (R.C.-1) 
86.Offline Silent_Kill 6 Newcomer-0 (R.C.-1) 
87.Offline hjs 5 Newcomer-0 
88.Offline mitmiter 6 Newcomer-0 
89.Offline pilhyun 6 Newcomer-250 
90.Offline Lord Toluca 10 Newcomer-0 (R.C.-1) 
91.Offline Fausti89 6 Noble Paladin-10000 
92.Offline RexWar 10 Newcomer-0 
93.Offline Dionysus 18 Newcomer-0 (main) 
94.Offline Bombus 7 Newcomer-0 
95.Offline Bshk 13 Newcomer-0 
96.Offline Raqelle 8 Newcomer-0 
97.Offline sepelchure 5 Newcomer-0 
98.Offline elvishmike 9 Newcomer-0 
99.Offline tushen 6 Newcomer-0 
100.Offline Intransigent 7 Newcomer-0 
101.Offline Lord god-of-war 6 Noble paladin-10000 (mult) 
102.Offline DARRENTWY 6 Newcomer-0 
103.Offline JoeyC 7 Paladin-6500 main 
104.Offline elfnone 9 Newcomer-0 
105.Offline Lord thehulk 5 Newcommer -1200. 
106.Offline killmeoryou 7 Newcommer -0. 
107.Offline TheDarkReaper 5 Newcommer -0. 
108.Offline catcarrot 14 Clan leader, Paladin 
109.Offline morphin 7 Newcomer-0 
110.Offline Lancer 10 clan smith, 40% repair cost still 50% 
111.Offline GaaraSand 6 Newcomer-0 
112.Offline kingtaitai 6 Newcommer -0. 
113.Offline Ghost_Elf 5 Newcommer -0. 
114.Offline Lord Theprime 8 Newcommer -0. 
115.Offline Lord Max500 10 Newcommer -0. 
116.Offline Mandrak 7 Newcommer -0. (R.C -1) 
117.Offline FlamingVixen 4 Newcommer -0. 
118.Offline UndeadKnite 7 Newcommer -0. 
119.Offline TheWizard131 6 Square-2500 (R.C.-3) 
120.Offline #7382Kind_Knight 7 Newcommer -0. (main) 
121.Offline warrior_45 6 Newcommer -0. 
122.Offline tusta 8 Newcommer -0. 
123.Offline ldevil 4 Newcommer -0. 
124.Offline kong_123 8 Newcommer -0. 
125.Offline #7279shock2255 13 Newcommer -0. 
126.Offline evildude12 5 Newcommer -500. (R.C.-1) (main) 
127.Offline ramscape 7 Newcommer-500 
128.Offline voidknight93 5  
129.Offline Lord torpedo 6  
130.Offline shutter1928 7  
131.Offline Andrius1 6  
132.Offline DARKSAGE1331 6  
133.Offline demonmans 8  
134.Offline Arjan 7 newcomer - 1000 
135.Offline Lauri616 6 Recruiter 
136.Offline TheNewElf 8 squire(R.C.-3) 
137.Offline palkiax 8  
138.Offline Lord koko_alex 9  
139.Offline Lord jamesfranklin88 8  
140.Offline Abel_Nightroad 9  
141.Offline arshavin2151 5  
142.Offline prodarkelf 12  
143.Offline Shadow127 7  
144.Offline sexybeaster 10  
145.Offline thisthatman 9  
146.Offline Q-ball 7  
147.Offline terminator5 10  
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